Ladies and gentlesoldiers,
I am proud to present to you the first ever cross-community event in the history of TeamMuppet. A big thanks to @Niek from UJE who made this a possibility.
On Saturday the 11th of February we invite all of you on our event server for our next Hide and Seek event. This mod has been an all time favourite of the Muppets, if you haven't played it before I would advice you to join us for this!
Adding to the already entertaining mod we will be joined by some of the guys from the UJE clan and the 1944 clan to make this even more fun. I have been told that they have not played this mod before, so let's introduce them to it in a true Muppet fashion and make this night a night filled with laughter!
Doors will open at 8pm GMT (That's 9 for the folks in the Brussels timezone and even later for the fintards!).
I'm looking forward to this. Are you?!
- The event team
-> For people wondering about the giveaway: we haven't forgotten about this We will choose the winner of the TM shirt with another deathmatch event. I have heard that @P3Sone will not be competing so everybody will have a fair chance of winning Expect a poll to vote on a date in the management section soon!
Please join the server before the event to make sure you were able to download all the files. If something went wrong you can post here or contact me via PM and we will figure out what the problem is. Thanks!
TL;DR section
11/02/2017 - Hide and seek event with UJE clan - Be there!
Copy&Paste section
Teamspeak section: