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Everything posted by miraro3

  1. miraro3

    Member map

    It's not about being shy, I've had unwanted visits before haha
  2. Haha Mooi dat je Nederlands veel beter is dan dat! Hoe is je uitspraak?
  3. miraro3

    Member map

    I just gave in my city, not my exact address. I can't have all the fan girls showing up at my door!
  4. Really? @Niki Was a little too enthusiastic about the mass PM/Email feature I guess
  5. Would be nice to have you! Je pense que tous les Belges parle un peut de française dans notre group! But I think English will be the preffered language anyways haha
  6. I knew it was too good to be true!
  7. You're going to fly from Canada to Belgium?
  8. Who are you thinking about?
  9. Aaah Flavour, of course! Don't consider, just do it
  10. Your wife needs to understand that your president needs to see you!
  11. Comon mate, you're missing out on the best time of your life here
  12. You're telling me that you won't be able to plan out a weekend almost two months from now?
  13. Haha! I knew there were some people escaping my mind
  14. @PurpleHaze @GoLdFiNgEr @Wolf @muddeh @Melissa @TOMOBRO @Toni @Macka @Eagle_cz @Niki @VenoM @Mister J @MiniMuppet @Charlie @MrMuppet @DiNg @MadF.Lame @Eerik Eh I'm drawing a blank on more names at the moment, forgive me if I forgot you
  15. I have been joking around to meet some of you people for quite some time now. It's time for me to admin that I wasn't joking at all and that I really want to have a beer with you Muppets! Since summer is here it's the perfect time to make this official. I will be working with @Minty to get things arranged for it, all we need from you guys is to be present We are thinking of planning it during a weekend in August. In the poll above this post you can vote for the weekend that suits you best. Please only vote if you are actually planning on joining us for this event ^^ I am aware that Belgium isn't exactly next door for everyone so I don't expect a huge turn up. However, I would really love to see as many faces as possible Everyone is welcome! Oh, and if there are enough people joining we might prepare a little gift to take back home!
  16. How did this post never got a reply haha You've got an event now at least!
  17. Boys and girls, the summer is coming and that is something we need to celebrate! @Niki invites all of us to gather one last time on the server before the summer takes off officially. We shall have drinks, we shall have laughs and more importantly we shall sweat a lot while gaming through the night! The event is planned on the 23rd of June (that's next friday!) and will start at 7pm GMT. Those who want can join earlier, but the festivities will not start before 7! Those who are late will be forced to buy a beer for the whole group during the upcomming TeamMuppet meetup in Bruges! For those of you with traveling plans, please postpone those plans untill after the event. Book new tickets for the airplane if needed. This event is to be taken seriously because I want to see all of your lovely faces on the server that night! <3
  18. Join us man!
  19. True dat!
  20. If you want pics you need to come take them yourself!
  21. It surely is! It looks like we're actually going to do this, aren't we?
  22. I guess you're officially invited then!
  23. You'd be the first I invite, but you keep on telling me that Belgium is an inferior country. I wasn't sure you would lower yourself to our standards to have some beers with us!
  24. Miraro3, saving innocent people's lifes since nineteenninetysomething.
  25. You don't have to be invited, you should know that your presence is required. Bruges is the center of the world! Of course it's going to be during a weekend
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