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Everything posted by SweeXx

  1. Yeahh! Looks great! Think ive played the Wacht am Rein map few times and if i remember correctly it was a nice map to play! I think its great to add more ''winter'' maps in the winter 🤩💯
  2. Heya Guys Really liked the event! Most of the people were very positive about it. Because i have Corona atm i was online almost the whole weekend. Atmosphere was great! You always keep a few that are difficult, but on the other hand it was really easy to delete if you really hated it! + I really liked the Blood Limbo menu, the blood everywere. The green flames and soundpacks were amazing! Like the blood snow/rain on Radar/Railgun! Didnt make the game laggy for me at all! - Skull textures on walls, it was nice to see but maked the Axis team a little bit harder to spot! The mines were a little bit to big in my opinion. At the end, i think it was pretty successful! Looking forward to the next event. $weeXx
  3. SweeXx


    but how do you type that? in console? dont understand
  4. n4 is SICK!
  5. wohooooo, ive had to work but that´s cancelled so im in
  6. Yeahhh would be fun! im in AXIS ftw
  7. i voted sniper... I love sniper!!! and we havnt got a server anymore so.. Everybody vote sniper
  8. SweeXx

    Grand (re)opening!

    Im in!! Pff very busy with work guys but i will find some time!
  9. Hardcore will never die!

  10. Schoool boooring bla bla bla

    1. Slarty


      Witch makes me rather happy that I'm done with it :P

  11. Hey Greg! Welcome to forum and good luck with youre trial! Vincent
  12. Great!!
  13. hmm sorry toni but what does that mean?
  14. yes but i havnt got a ss bind, i only do /screenshot and than it saids wrote screenshot 0001 for example.. the next day i do again /screenshot it said the same and it replaces the old 0001... very weird.
  15. hmmmm maybe know the cause... every time when i startup et and i make ss it start again... i mean i made ss this morning ss-1 ss-2 ss-3 when i disconnect and join again after few hours and made ss it start again ss-1 blabla.. so my pc replace the others. how is that possible?
  16. nope both jaymod
  17. Hey mates Ive got a problem with my screenshots. yesterday ive taken screenshots /screenshot and today also but cant find my old ones... ( the screenshots from yesterday) the strangest part is that ive watch the ss from yesterday today at 13:00 and they were there. And at 17:00 ive taken new ones but now are my old ones gone.. Only the SS from around 17:00 are there. Anyone had the same problem? $weeXx
  18. SweeXx

    Infected Event

    Was a really nice event!
  19. SweeXx

    jaymod lags

    yes ive got that problem also, since im back from holiday everyday lag, but in my street they are making fiberglass connection so maybe that had something to do with it
  20. Almost back from holiday so i can be active again

  21. Because i'm Hard to the Core and ill never go soft!!

  22. Happy New year mates!

  23. Happy New year mates!

  24. Merry xmass to you all!<3

  25. Heya all! First of all i wanna wish you al a merry merry xmas! and a happy new year! Dont blow youre hands off with homemade grenade's and molotov's Im in this clan now for i guess 2,5 months and it really feels like home:) everybody is so nice and friendly! Thank you guys and again Merry Xmass Cya all Gr Vincent
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