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Everything posted by Macka

  1. Hello there. Welcome to our site
  2. I say rematch. Provided I get front row seat of course
  3. I'm sure you all did
  4. Nice one. What a turnout
  5. A very good speech with lots of true words there mate. I entirely agree with your comments. Thanks to Mini and Mr for everything they did. Unfortunately I will have to miss this event as I am in Berlin this weekend. Enjoy though!
  6. Macka

    ET Crashed

    Thanks. Will do this next time I experience it
  7. Macka

    Coming soon

    It is!
  8. Cheers
  9. Macka

    Coming soon

    Details are coming soon!
  10. Macka

    Coming soon

    Macka's nude calendar!
  11. so..very...tired...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. muddeh


      hey. where's the picture?

    3. Alistar


      The question is where is my profile picture?

    4. Macka
  12. Macka

    It's time

    I'm lost for words really. All that I can do is to thank you both immensely for the hard work, time, money, and patience that you have put into this place. Before joining TM I had decided to quit playing ET altogether and had uninstalled the game from my hard drive. On a whim I decided to reinstall it, only planning to play a few maps for old times' sake. The first server I joined after reinstalling was TM and I have been hooked ever since. The impression this community had on me was mesmerising. As you say the members make the community, but you both deserve credit for providing the framework for that community to be the way it is. Your rules,advice, principles and guidelines have all shaped this place into what it is today: a friendly, inclusive and all-round fun place to be. Sure, I, like some others, have had my issues but I never doubted that this was a great community and completely appreciate everything that you both did to make it so. A particular thank you also to Mini (Rach) for the few little chats that we had over the years on both TM and personal issues. It was always good to know you were there to talk to, and your advice was always gratefully received. I'm glad that you are both staying on and won't be absent altogether. For now, go and enjoy yourselves and relax for a bit. You deserve it
  13. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    Grats VD - hugs from Macky too
  14. You're right. I'm not normally a cvops player. Usually medic or engineer. But when I do go covert ops everyone ph3ars me!!
  15. I would be up for this
  16. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    Someone play with Flavour. He looks lonely
  17. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    Sounds good to me. Team Starcka all the way!
  18. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    I <3 you Ali but I also <3 Rats. He was my first, I'm sorry
  19. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    <3 you
  20. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    +1 Alistar!
  21. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

  22. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    Haha squash would be quite fun actually. Let's do that for the next event!!
  23. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    Agreed. Very well done
  24. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    Let's do this!
  25. Macka

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    I'm in. Who wants to join me for the 2v2?
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