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Everything posted by Macka

  1. Nice to see you again Street. Hope you are on the mend
  2. Haha well done guys
  3. We need a mascot, Niki!
  4. Think you meant Team 2 there Kaleria. Thanks!
  5. Ok Team Macka we got this! :D
  6. Let's do this!!
  7. Nice to see you around. Hope to play with you some more
  8. Macka

    Coming Soon!

    I'm intrigued now. How old is she? ^^
  9. Nice post Vinku. Hope army is going as well as it can
  10. Not me, though I am sure someone has asked me this before..........
  11. Macka

    Coming Soon!

  12. Macka

    Coming Soon!

    Looking good. I am not normally a etpro player but might make an exception this time around
  13. Macka


    I look forward to seeing that video
  14. One day I shall come back. Yes I shall come back. But until then there must be no tears, no regrets, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StaR


      show me your genitals , your genitals , show me your genitals , GENITALIA

    3. Niki
    4. Macka


      It's all over my head tbh :P

  15. Thanks Mr. Much appreciated
  16. Losing your life is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing is to lose your reason for living

    1. Destroy666


      I don't really understand this quote. You can find another reason for living, but you can't get your life back (unless you believe in reincarnation).

    2. Slarty


      That would all depend on the respawn time :D

  17. Sorry to the people in left in ET and on TS last night. My connection dropped for ages so I gave up and went to bed! :D

    1. StaR


      I was yelling " Macka!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" For 10 minutes.

    2. Macka


      Sorry mate <3

  18. Ahhh yes library was a good one
  19. Thanks for hosting the event. It was fun. Will have a think about the maps
  20. Should be able to make it now
  21. Macka

    Oopsie config

    I like how the haxx thing is not acceptable but advertising macka nude is haha
  22. Congrats!. A very nice post mate. I agree with what you say about the community. It's fun getting to know everyone
  23. Voted, and thanks
  24. if you are going through hell....keep going!

    1. Slarty


      Winston Churchill :D

  25. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Any ideas for a replacement map if fun beach were to go?
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