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Everything posted by SynapsePrare

  1. SynapsePrare


    Nope, I do not have it there.. So how come my game remembers my level etc.. :S I generally run this game with running as an administrator, if I run it with double click only, even the settings get changed. It's like I have 2 W:ET and 2 different settings.. Maybe it's a fact ?
  2. SynapsePrare


    I do not know where my etkey is.. Default name of this file is only 'etkey' isn't it ? I cannot find it in my ET folder. There are some other files includes 'etkey' but I doubt one of them is a real one. They are pk3 files. What happened to my Etkey?
  3. Some girls are like a kick in the head

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slarty


      Not sure whats worse, a kick in the head or the other head...

    3. Jesus
    4. SynapsePrare
  4. Thank you Virus for editing.
  6. Please edit the IP, I couldn't find the new one anywhere few days ago. Thanks.
  7. Okay, I will talk by your microphone otherwise it would make an echo everytime.
  8. I will try to be there.
  9. Welcome ! (I like Green Day too btw !)
  10. Hey Divine! I was hoping you to come here honestly. I think you made a right choice ! Welcome !
  11. What is that ????
  12. Nice works ! And welcome btw.
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