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Niki last won the day on August 31 2018

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About Niki

  • Birthday 05/29/1984

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  1. you break it you buy it !!!!
  2. Hi thank you for introduction, its nice to see you here enjoy on our servers
  3. Niki

    Thursday events

    Hello Members, Players and Friends Last event was great success and it was so nice to see busy server and all of you guys. It would be a great pleasure to invite you all on PUB server this thursday 30.08.2018 and also on every another thursday. Lets meet and have fun together etpub.teammuppet.com ( TS3: ts.teammuppet.com great thanks for making poster @EyeOnMe
  4. Hello members, friends, players we have summer time and most of you are having great time on vacation but few of us missed good old times with ET and its great friendly atmosphere, so we want to invite you all to join us on Thursday 16.08.2018 at 8pm (English time) on PUB server and spent some great evening together. all you need is et and good mood etpub.teammuppet.com ( TS3: ts.teammuppet.com great thx for @EyeOnMe for making poster and giving this idea
  5. eee didnt we talk something about you coming to poland with bottle of wine? tags aint cheap
  6. welcome on forum
  7. ok to end up topic will quote Toni here I think he wrote it in the most understandable way. to sum up: -Trickjump for obj is not allowed, also to end map in any way (dyna, flag obj etc) -Trickjump is allowed for other reasons than to get obj or end map -Boostjump is allowed (in all cases) it dont need any special skills its consider as team work
  8. when you go on teammate head and he push you to go for example on the wall endind this conversation.... What isnt clear in the rules we have now "no trickjump for objective" ? do we really need to write what you can and cant do on every map? or like Mini notice use common sense?
  9. Yes and No You cannot use trickjump or boostjumps to make let call it main obj who will end map for example You cannot make human piramide on oasis to put dynamite at back of gun but You can use it to get to bunker window on battery but You can use boostjump to get flag at bunker on delivery before you as allies blow up wall
  10. no all heavy weapons have basic settings and should be available all the time accept of few maps like valhalla all heavy are blocked
  11. http://teammuppet.eu/home/forums/topic/16880-et-pub-changes/ here is summary Ctrz I just needed time to write it all down
  12. Niki

    Lua weapons

    maybe try to send private message to Eagle?
  13. Niki


    /banned +1 for Niki
  14. Niki


    more or less when he connects? I can ban rim using remote admin console, dont need to connect. Will try to catch him today...just need to observe qtracker
  15. Niki


    You do now change nick or perm ban
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