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Towelie last won the day on January 7 2017

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About Towelie

  • Birthday 10/02/1867

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  1. Your content will need to be approved by a moderator
  2. Welcome
  3. When you hear thunder, it’s only thunder. But for me, it is still Thor beating his hammer.

  4. k
  5. Welcome
  6. Free Elph

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Towelie


      This isn't very productive

      Also stumpel is banned from my page

    3. Stumpel


      Well I dont want access to porn pages anyway, if you meaned that kind of page..

    4. GreatDanton
  7. Welcome
  8. Towelie

    Giveaway reveal!

  9. Towelie

    Happy New Year

    I'm gonna sue you for all you've got
  10. Towelie

    Happy New Year

    Happy new year everyone!
  11. Thank you to everyone who helped bring back fuel dump. I started this game with this map, on a FD only server. I remember my first moment, 12 years ago, starting as axis in the last part of map, watching out the window, thinking what the heck do I do now. Do I shoot the tank? From there, it all went downhill :D This map is where my ET heart beats. Best map ever!!  :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stumpel


      I remember for beginning of ET that some sweidhs guy capmed behind fence on FD he hided behind stone fence I had no idea where he came but I was get killed by real dagger stabber expert many times.. Was bit lame but anyways final result was I joined his site and group and had fun many years.. But they just quitted the game, but i play still.. :D

    3. Stumpel


      sweidhs guy capmed=swedish guy camped, wanted to correct it but there's no button to do it..

    4. random


      shiven fueldump 24/7 was quite popular.

      but the map is absolute rubbish.

  12. Welcome
  13. Yes it was fun. Jumping off eiffel tower all map long with mr peshwan. Also golden dunk.
  14. I see Goldendunk
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