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Everything posted by Towelie

  1. Welcome. now you have a job you can come play ET to unwind from a busy day
  2. Towelie

    Time to vote

    @ story 3, and no one had to use a TOWEL in that entire story? Geez... Voted
  3. Never played this. Is it Just different skins and sounds or more?
  4. Will try this. Now I think of it, I rarely use Secondary fire. Might as well replace it with another key.
  5. Yep, a bit naive of me. I thought the term gaming keyboard would at least cover the simultaneous keys thing. And the glowing coloured keys was just extra. But it's the reverse. I had used my last keyboard for about 10 years, which was about the same cost and which DID cover the anti ghosting feature. Sad to see how quality has declinced, and the term gaming keyboard has no meaning (glowing coloured keys are supposed to cover the extra quality needed for gaming).
  6. Thanks Danton. I think you are right here, the thing is that I have played arrow config since I started playing ET 11 years ago so pretty much everything else feels weird right now. I have found a config I think will work, just have to practice a bit with it now. It's like playing a new instrument or something, brain has to re-adjust
  7. It was actually the cheapest ... Next ones as 100 euro and others were between 100-200. Figured it says "gaming keyboard" so it will cover the multiple keys simultaneous thing. But no I get screwed over once again by not doing my research. Lessons were learned but no way I'm buying another keyboard, I know people play with WASD config so I must be able to learn it as well. Just trying not to waste time with bad key configs.
  8. So my old gaming keyboard broke and I bought a new one. Now it turns out, even though it says "anti ghosting - can use up to 6 keys simultaneously", this was really a gamble because it doesnt mean ANY 6 keys but only specific combinations. Now I can't use my old controls I used for strafe jumping and I can't return the keyboard which costs 50 euros. So I have decided I will have change my old arrow key config, which I have used for a few dozen games for the last 14 years, to WASD config. Since it is the only way this keyboard will let me use more than 3 keys simultaneously. I wanna know what you use for key configuration. Is it the original keys ET suggests or do you have another setup? Especially for strafe jumping. I have been testing some combinations but they all feel so weird, not sure what will be optimal. My old key config was: Movement - arrows crouch - shift jump - ctrl sprint - numpad 0 SMG - numpad 1 Syringe - numpad 4 Kill self - Numpad 2 Prone - / Hang left - del Hang right - Pg down Reload /Med pack / Pistols- Mouse buttons 3/4/5 (wont change this) I know people will probably laugh at this setup, but hey... If you learn yourself something this way it is hard to change. And besides it seemed to work OK usually Thanks for any suggestions!
  9. Random quote by our victor: "I smell nerd sweat" - Alistar
  10. Well played alistar. Venom did good too, top fragger 2 times I think and 2nd in final round.
  11. Alistar mad I vote best limerick contest e..g There once was a guy who played pac-man It almost gave him a heart attack, man Because he was bad, he always got mad, Blaming Towelie was his next plan
  12. Welcome SAM, see you around on the server!
  13. Happy new year to everyone and let's make 2016 a good ET year
  14. Current bubbles champion

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alistar


      Too bad towelie was only champion of the year one day...

    3. GreatDanton
    4. Towelie


      Go hardcore or go home. Bubbles isn't a place for the faint hearted.

  15. Congrats Miki, no idea how you managed to do this so fast. Also R.I.P. Alistar's balls
  16. My last attempt... good enough Towelie 40710 Today, 07:00 PM
  17. I was thinking... I have broken 2 monitors so far trying to get highscore in pacman. But with that money i might as well buy a mug
  18. If it's a chicken then I know the answer
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