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Everything posted by gostreet

  1. CBIS Cheat Buster Investigation Service
  2. so freaking tired.. for 1 hour to school today

  3. so freaking tired.. for 1 hour to school today

  4. first day at school in about 8 hours

  5. i think its a mod thats on so is stopping you for choosing another mod.. atleast 1 had this very same problem,, i did deleted all the mods in my ET directory... and it worked
  6. getting back into life.. so ET also .. holidays are over :(

    1. Frezzh


      We smoke weed and drink rum up. and do other stuff LOL

  7. i wish it was summer ........

    1. Stumpel


      When terrace season began :D

  8. life is a bitch and then we die..... so fuck the world and lets get high, or dont waste your life and go to the gym like me ;).

  9. scooter has been stolen ... so not in the fcking mood

    1. MiniMuppet


      srry mate that is really shit. Have the police got any ideas who took it?

  10. at school being hopeless:P

  11. tomorrow to the hospital :( almost Xmas :D whole week with my Girlfriend :$:$

  12. little bit ill :$:$

  13. tomorrow taking lessons for my drive license... nextweek exams of it :$

  14. just went to school.. boring lol now playing ET

  15. just went to school.. boring lol now playing ET

  16. lets go to school for a day :P friday and the last day before my hollyday of a week:)

  17. lets go to school for a day :P friday and the last day before my hollyday of a week:)

  18. pff just uploaded profile photo LOL there i was very jung :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MiniMuppet


      no lol add yours first

    3. mylan


      I already have my photo as a profile picture :) This is my look after... you know some adults time :D

    4. miraro3


      lol mylan :D i have put mine up ^^

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