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Everything posted by TommyBiondillo

  1. Fun fact: NightElph was a really nice person to everyone and didn't break any rules prior to getting gibbed by miraro just because mr Elph killed him in battle(sry, couldn't reply to thread)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. brehh


      I want to read this :'( who took away my rights ? :':(:(:(:(:(:(:(

    3. Duro


      Breh we can discuss the price in PM, just don't start low on offering :D

    4. Destroy666


      Nothing except random's "kindergarten" post worth reading there. Ridiculous complaint with an obvious result - closed thread

  2. I had same issue on my laptop. Just put a custom resolution in the config and you will have full screen and not stretched.
  3. Sometimes when dirt or a piece of hair gets caught in the optics it will make the mouse go nuts
  4. Knives can be heavy weapons too, this educational video will help you to understand:
  5. He didn't join from spec. He switched from axis. Edit: When one teams combined average k/d ratio is much higher then 90% of the time they win every time.
  6. At least now we know who is the person who likes to edit other peoples post wether there is a reason for it or not.
  7. Even i visit the forum every now and then and i ain't even a member. Did you forgot to take your meds again?
  8. Does that mean i get a free panzer without waiting for it?
  9. I get punished for other peoples sins, i'm like jesus bro.
  10. So you're trying to say, he's almost as good as me?
  11. Nope, because mr elph is present. edit: and everyone knows there is no women on the internet
  12. But was the other night from estonia?
  13. mr night has spread his seed worldwide edit: hello night, hope u enjoy the bumpy ride ere
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