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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. lol now i thought of alerush do u like it??
  2. all sundays after 16.00, mondayevening and wednesdayevening except for 22 and 23 and 25 February
  3. ok guys... as most of u know i have done some mapping.. and now with the map near finish.. i need a name so can u plz think of a name for it.. here are some screens [attachment=0]compilatie.png[/attachment] the objectie is to bring the tap back to the beer barrel.. if u need more info.. i can send u some more..
  4. i wont be avaible the 21 and the 22
  5. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=615
  6. well i am in bravo.. and i am available tomorrow from around 3 o clock
  7. lol.. ok we use that one
  8. ok created a channel for every team in the new teamspeak server
  9. ok so i have to click registered and enter cropkiller and teammuppetadmin?? i get an bad username/password error :?
  10. ok today when i was speaking with a friend (who plays COD..) he said maybe it should be nice to give the adminlevels names like major captain ect..
  11. wy not the first one??
  12. lol found out why it crashed.. supply is not cappable for campaign
  13. well yes..
  14. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]Not manny have meet this guy only 4 votes :think: yeah i know.. but he has really a lot of xp so he has to play a lot :?
  15. yep that is the clanbase way
  16. hmm.. i ll have a look
  17. well i didnt know how to get the timefix :shifty: (and the map gets boring really quickly.. and i can never find the obj :think: )
  18. about how we could best teach u to write the best englisj :liar:
  19. ok i did a re-look.. and adminlvl 12 is quite high.. as the only difference between 13 and 14 is setlevel and 6 (ban without reason) so level 12 would be something like level 7 atm..
  20. sure nice dude.. but shouldnt this topic be in members instead of members level 2??
  21. ok now i have 2 campaigns.. running after eachother campaign 1: goldrush, supply, baserace, oasis, frostbite, adlernest, battery, braundorf, railgun campaign 2: radar, falcon2, venice, ET beach, karsiah te2, bremen, transmitter, fueldump even more maps?? 8-)
  22. :occasion-birthday: well you are in the big 4 now :occasion-birthdaymulticolor: :occasion-partyblower: :occasion-partyblower:
  23. ok how where can i find the time fix :doh:
  24. me and mir so he cant make me lose
  25. I want to be bravo as it start with a b and sounds like we are going to win no just kidding.. i dont care about that.. (because i will win at all times :twisted: )
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