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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. nope he already revoted
  2. lol dutch commercial... one of an other beer company inspired by that one.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOru8yq83TE
  3. ok i cant login using my current forum log in.. maybe it is an old password i dont remember
  4. yep mini it is really nice
  5. well maybe it is better to inform the players about the shit he made in the braveheart server.. and delete that topic too as he gets recruited
  6. lol i even tried that.. in my poor german and he said he understood everything... except fot mail donald.. as i didnt know that in german
  7. yep i got kicked too..
  8. yep i have seen him too.. and told him he should email Donald.. and also renamed him..
  9. ok other one deleted...
  10. guess u didnt read a lot in this forum yet.. as most topics end up with that..
  11. yep.. and he is in our xfire clan..
  12. well basiclly some people play 2.55 as it does not have botsupport... and they dont like to play with bots.. for the rest not much is changed.. a lot of lil things.. But as their server is running 2.55 it is also for them quite a lot work to change it.. And when hunter was still in our clan... he was saying we should go back to 2.55 so more people would join our server.. so guess they dont want to change to 2.60b
  13. hey :text-welcomeconfetti: Donald will instruct u.. as said before.. :text-welcomeconfetti: play on the servers.. so i can get to know you..
  14. ok i watch at their site.. and they only play 2.55 and we all play 2.60b.. so we all have to degrade.. so i did not challenge them yet... as do u want to degrade to fight them??
  15. i prefer the last one..
  16. my brother played it and i made fun of it... as the xp is flying around in bleu dots i guess... but i myself never played it was busy playing ET
  17. lol totally forogt he wa on my xfire.. just never delete one..
  18. lol just turned 18 i dont have a car yet :doh:
  19. i use the w810i great for music, calling ans messaging.. it is the only thing i do with it.. so it is good
  20. didnt see him at all.. so no vote from me yet
  21. but it was a long long time ago.. now i only play ET
  22. zorro :banana-ninja: :violence-duel: :violence-swords: :obscene-drinkingbuddies: :obscene-drinkingdrunk: guess it will go like this in time
  23. lol i wont be avaible till wednesday.. because it is vastelaovend
  24. maybe he need some more friends
  25. most difference pro quicker weapon switch i believe.. just 4 levels.. mostly not used at all.. and some special war features.. not really different from main.. but made better for match playing..
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