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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. ok all which dont have a high score dont work correct
  2. ok all which dont have a high score dont work correct
  3. yeah that is true.. that was one which i was thinking of.. didnt know where it belonged to be honest
  4. this one doesnt work neither
  5. this one doesnt work neither
  6. ok mir just follow the orders and let the thinking on drav
  7. i cant get the ball launched
  8. i cant get the ball launched
  9. ok i guess you guys agree with those rules i have also made some adminlevels which i think fit better with those rules then the ones we have now it is this.. i made it a bit better readable as the shrubbot file... level 0 admintest, help, resetmyxp level 1 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time level 2 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news level 3 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime level 4 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime level 5 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999 level 6 (Try out) admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999 level 7 (Member) admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby level 8 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute level 9 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7 level 10 (admin) admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5 level 11 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap level 12 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap, crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar, rename level 13 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap, crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar, rename, revive, 3, 8, 9 level 14 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap, crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar, rename, revive, 3, 8, 9, setlevel, 6 how about this?? :text-feedback:
  10. Game doesn't work
  11. Game doesn't work
  12. thank you!
  13. i didnt want to post as it is really straight forward.. Edit: I represent holland :obscene-smokingweed:
  14. thx againa
  15. Thanks everyone :mrgreen: and mini send me ur adress.. i send some over to you :text-givemebeer:
  16. have a lot of fun
  17. ah ok.. stupid welsch :text-banplz:
  18. guess this is the complete soundpack as it is used atm..
  19. maybe a stupid idea.. but cant we just use them both??
  20. lol good you dare to speak out these words winston.. we were all thinking it
  21. i vote for too. only possitive rumours about him and i, myself also only saw him nice..
  22. :character-spamguy: :character-spamcan: :text-datsphatyo:
  23. the play game doesnt work oh and btw we got some double smileys..
  24. the play game doesnt work oh and btw we got some double smileys..
  25. Happy birth day Tiny.. i know you are not having ur birthday yet in england, but if you would have been here you would already have it so i do say Happy birthday.. Happy Birthday (^) (it is a birthday-cake in MSN ) Just one year and you can legally drink in Holland
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