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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. hey guys, we are all invited to do training together with [NbF]. They have a training every thursday at 20.00 GMT. If any of you would like to join their training. Contact iicecold on xfire.. (bfciicecold) to get the password of the server IP : I can not make any thursday but maybe u can 8-) go on and have fun and also get better Cheers
  2. well drav.. This is a great idea but i think the country thingy is just what we dont want as it is a training thing for wars playing together i guess.. and we have to speak english then..
  3. ok so these rules are ok? 1. Have fun in the game (it is still a game) 2. No cheating, in now way you can think of. 3. No flaming, dont use badwords. a. If you are experiecing bad game-play u can say a few words but not all the time... 4. No childish behaviour. 5. Try to be active on the forum, so we can get to know each other. 6. Listen to admins and members, They will always try to help you. 7. Be a team player, ET is special as you have to do objectives, so do these.. 8. NO Trickjumping 9. NO team killing or bleeding a. It is allowed to do a little bit team bleeding or killing, when u try to shoot the enemy, the admin will decide if it was on purpose or not. 10. Speak only english in main 11. Try to also be a chatter in-game.. (it is always fun to have a chat while gaming) Additonial rules for scriming 1. Use Teamspeak Punishment If you dont obey the rules listed above, you can be warned, get your xp resetted, kicked or even banned. Just as the admin decides. If you dont agree join the forum and defend yourself. Adminlevels adminlevels are given by the admins for those who behave very good, be nice, and maybe when they help out an admin. This is also decided by the admin seeing you in-game. Do not ask for adminlevel. It could even get you a lower one as a sort of punishment Ps plz try to stay at the topic for a moment till we have done this 8-) Ps2 Donald i think the guidspoofing thing is part of rule 2, cheating. As muppet says you could be PBbanned for it
  4. yeah i think it is something like that.. and we can also u say that bad behauviour can cause warn, xp reset, kick or even ban.. this way you can do like u feel.. and they know what can happen when they dont follow the rules
  5. yeah i think that is perfect.. but i dont like these rules the panzer thing is just part of the game i think.. and as some one is flame camping... just throw a nade or something like that.. (i think it is also part of the game) and maybe we could add some rule like NO trickjump to do objectives..
  6. That is exactly the reason why i didnt unban him.. lol i will tell him this.. and guess he will accept it... only sometimes he will start whining.. but that is no problem
  7. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]Bq i just !ban a user Booya on jaymod there know it, I will ban that guy annyway bq he keep TJ, still after we have kick him 5/6 times this booys is a personal friend of mine and i know sometimes he is really annoying.. and he says he didnt get kicked at all. only 1 warn by wintson.. i have unbanned him on the site because i think he should be at least able to give his opinion on this matter..
  8. yep, that was what i tried to say.. if u forget the / it is written in console..
  9. on the jaymod site was something about bounding ur alt-fire key (most of the time right mouse button) again.. in the jaymod menu..
  10. because now some players who were playing then.. know the old one.. but u can change it back if u think it is safe i dont care.. just did it to prevent them for taking over the server..
  11. guys... as i had this typo and forgot the / when i was typing /rconpassword i have changed it.. I pm u the new one..
  12. maybe we can set them in the middle bottom of the screen.. so it is better seen.. (especially on the NQ server, as no one reads them over there i guess..
  13. lol it is ok by me.. Although we have to change some lil things.. maybe i can do that if i have some time..
  14. How about this: Rules to be a member: 1. Have fun in the game (it is still a game) 2. No cheating, in now way you can think of. 3. No flaming, dont use badwords a. If you are experiecing bad game-play u can say a few words but not all the time... 4. No childish behaviour, 5. Be active on the forum, so we can get to know each other 6. Listen to admins and members, They will always try to help you. 7. Be a team player, ET is special as you have to do objectives, so do these.. 8. Try to also be a chatter in-game.. (it is always fun to have a chat while gaming) 9. Why do u want to join TM Additonial rules for warring 1. Use Teamspeak How about this?
  15. ok otherwise i could make it so that u get the connect menu every time u start up
  16. ok very good:D
  17. ah ok, but do players have to download the mapcycle before they join??
  18. true.. i can really easy change the in-game rules.. i we have finished this.. i send u also the in-game menu for the jaymod server.. oh and btw the jaymod server is running a campaign right??
  19. yeah i think that is a better way... as the all member votes dont really work
  20. Do u mean the voting thing?? I dont think it did work really good.. Really a lot of confusing and just everyone voting for someone so we had more members.. Btw i searched for a sec on other clan sites what u need to have to join them, and most have something like 4 days played, active forum use, having humour, use of teamspeak, being friendly, ofcourse no cheating.. Maybe i can make a shrubbot file with really a lot of levels.. So we can also say they need at least lvl 8 out of 12-14 but i dont think how u think about this.. what do u guys think about this??
  21. any one any new idea's on this :?: maybe we can do something with the time people are playing in the server.. and use some inactivity kicking.. or does any one has a better idea??
  22. I played the demo for about an hour on my ps3.. but didnt get the story it is a lil strange i think.. 8-)
  23. guess there is no demo but it is free to play till lvl 7
  24. Hey guys, Have u played this game yet.. it was released the 27 November in europe and isnt even released in the US, so really quite new.. it is a MMORPG something like WOW but the aiming is more like an FPS so a strange combination but it makes it funny.. and the quests-NPC's are harder to find.. which is good so see it u like it 8-)
  25. i hope the same... and sure u can arrange a clanwar but just keep us informed
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