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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. ok i kinda stuck on the vis.. and it should work but this makes the map more laggy.. so i guess if even the server is laggy with good vis maps.. it really is with mine... but i will try to make some bot waypoints.. and send it to muppet... 8-)
  2. well it is now moving from the unstable host to the stable host.. (the same as jaymod)
  3. all the times i have played with him he didnt said a thing..
  4. haapy B-day old fellow 8-)
  5. mine doesnt look really nice as i only see the top left until i scroll to the down right.. i am using as resolution 1024 x 768
  6. do u think?? as it all gets loaded by the website.. so doesnt all the servers has to do anything with that one website??
  7. woo.. you made a choice and one of which i know ur a dutch guy and not another belgium dude..
  8. yep i agree.. especially when u do play on other servers... but i could understand some one didnt left TM because they want to chat nicelly on the forums or so.. (think of madflame) i guess i wont be one much for another month as i have my graduation exams.. they all count 50% so i really need to study a lot.. but as i will be on again it is definetly a TM server.. exactly why you said why play on other servers.. maybe we can try a low bot server again as i can understand some of the members dont like that.. (mir ect...)
  9. reaaly really late :oops: but still a happy rest of the year
  10. port 27960 is standard.. if u dont typ it, it is filled in default 8-)
  11. ok guys a quick update... it is already available to have heroes servers.. 8-) you will get 8 beta keys with it.. and i got mine today waited real real real long but i finally got it
  12. even a bit later :oops: but still a happy birthday 8-)
  13. cropsel


    because you should appeal against ur ban of the internet vs. ur parents.. :twisted:
  14. happy birthday
  15. happy birthday :D
  16. hey yes we still have the muppet family..
  17. well it is a bit like guitar hero.. only is the steering with ur mouse.. and the up and downhill is on the music
  18. any one of you know this?? it is to ride ur own music
  19. i am not sure about this guy.. he is nice BUT he is also banned on BH server :|
  20. i like the kick this way we lose them immediatly..
  21. lol guess he is just trying to have fun.. and i will vote yes.. As i think it is fun when he is on..
  22. ok also a yep from me
  23. hey i have just uploaded new adminlevels.. so u all lost it.. now try out is 6 member is 7 till 9 and 10 till 14 is admin so now we have 14 levels this are the levels: level 0 admintest, help, resetmyxp level 1 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time level 2 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news level 3 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime level 4 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime level 5 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999 level 6 (Try out) admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999 level 7 (Member) admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby level 8 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute level 9 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7 level 10 (admin) admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5 level 11 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap level 12 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap, crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar, rename level 13 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap, crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar, rename, revive, 3, 8, 9 level 14 admintest, help, resetmyxp, about, time, news, ftime, uptime, spec999, listplayers, seen, readconfig, finger, putteam, crybaby, mute, showbans, spec, kick, 1, 7, shake, resetxp, shuffle, smite, pause, disorient, throw, launch, slap, fling, splat, glow, pants, pip, pop, 2, 4, 5, lock, launcha, flinga, splata, throwa, ban, cancelvote, restart, reset, swap, crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar, rename, revive, 3, 8, 9, setlevel, 6
  24. http://public.web.cern.ch/public/
  25. hey guys i can not join the servers from tomorrow (wednesday 4 March) until saturday 7 March as i will be in Geneve with school.. we are going to have a look at CERN
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