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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. lol mir they are friends of my and they wanted to do a war for a really long time.. but i didnt do that because i know they are high skill.. and last week when u asked me with whom i was doing a game.. i was also playing with them.. and i got on goldrush a score of 6/40 so i guessed we still were not able to play against them.. And another thing.. they only play wars.. and i mean really only wars.. they dont like to play as we do in NQ or JayMod server.. they play 3 v 3 wars all the time.. And before we even start training.. i think we all should be able to use teamspeak (at least listen) because then we can communicate a lot quiker.. and that really helps..
  2. ok.. i now made a new one here from my pc... and i hope i will be able to login with that one.. 8-)
  3. well i now also have it on the ps3 but my online things on the ps3 are screwed up. does anyone know how to make a new ps3 account
  4. does anyone know a mc-nier, mr nier or a buffe part of tm?
  5. guess i would not like to be one of those zombies.. and isnt it a bit unfair if u play as a zombie-team?? They dont have a gun at all
  6. Happy birthday from here drink a beer for me 8-)
  7. my vacation just begun mine is just begun too.. that s why i thought u would have some time 8-)
  8. ok for all u photoshoppers out there... i have created a new room in which i need some pictures.. i need them to be on the walls.. and they should fit with the rest of the room the room looks like this... [attachment=1]picture1.jpg[/attachment][attachment=0]picture2.jpg[/attachment] i hope some of u can help me.. maybe it would be nice to just have some muppets just with a black background.. 8-) but feel free to do something really other Thx
  9. lol that can be done for sure... get on jaymod now!! sometimes i also join the NQ alone.. and most of the time other players are connecting after about a qaurter of an hour or so.. :mrgreen: and then we do have some players on the NQ 8-)
  10. ok u can also add me "******"
  11. yep some of them are.. that is how i first got contact with them
  12. Affirmative!
  13. NO Quarter as the Jaymod one is more busy and more work to get all the bots out
  14. hmm ok maybe we can just say tomorrow at 8.. (brittish time) so 9 belgian time
  15. well we can also make smaller teams like 3 persons each side.. and when we actually have a real war just fuse these teams.. and maybe agree a day in the week to do extra training with everyone.. beacause training is always good.. no matter how big ur team is :idea:
  16. yep we lost big time... first we played goldrush.. we lost big time.. didnt even repair the tank.. We should have played more in teams.. next was goldrush again.. now defending.. we also lost that.. still no teams.:S and winston even leaving half the game so we went on 5v5... the map after that was braundorf also both times lost because of no teams :| then also skepta and bond007 left.. and we played reactor mixed teams.. donald, virus and me.. with 2 other [NbF] members.. we won this one but they also got the obj before the timer expired.. but we were a better team.. even with 2 other members :? and after that we also played adler - thingy... (forget the full map-name :oops: ) we lost this one too.. but we had some stronger times.. so this what has happend.. and again the same conclusion.. we need more training as a team :!:
  17. ok guys i have been working a bit on this.. but what do we want? on Jaymod?? Donald can u come with a propssal as it is ur server i guess Cheers
  18. we will play tonight.. in about 10 minutes:P the server IP is : and the password is : S2K sorry i am this late :oops:
  19. restarted the server
  20. hmmm.. true we need to do this fast.. i will make one with 5 times as many xp tomorrow or isnt that ok neither?
  21. woo!! I managed to do it 8-) now i just have to make it of glass but i just got a genious idea :idea: everyone can if he/she likes make some pictures.. to be added into the maps i will give them all a good place
  22. ok now i do have another problem (it is always something..) it needs to be a .md3 to be the objective.. so maybe one of you can help me out with this and search for a converter or anything.. i do have 2 files of it pul.map and pul.ase (both working) and it needs to be a .md3 Download the .map and .ase files so if u have some spare time maybe u can help me 8-)
  23. yep i agree to miraro because otherwise when we have a just one server... and we have a war at that one.. we will lose loads of players.. i guess.. lets see first how it is going with 2 servers instead of 4 :idea:
  24. Virus alerted me when i was playing on the NQ server.. but he could not connect
  25. haaha good job donald i will make a new Esc-screen which says jaymod as botserver... and also one for jaymod so people can easy flip over to NQ or ETpub
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