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Everything posted by pipoteentje

  1. Ok , thanks everyone for the answer(s) : reinstalled and older version and evrything works ok again. ]Regards, Lode
  2. Hai , Since I installed the new release I'm having problems with my pointing device c.q. the mouse: can't move directly to the left or right as it stops in a second. Also turning into narrow corridors it stops at the beginning of such a corridor . My mouse (pointingdevice!) is working perfectly with other programs. Any solution?? Regards , Lode
  3. Hi Mrmuppett

    Since I installed the new release I'm having problems with my pointing device c.q. the mouse:

    can't move directly to the left or right as it stops in a second.

    Also turning into narrow corridors it stops at the beginning of such a corridor .

    My mouse (pointingdevice!) is working perfectly with other programs.

    Any solution??

    Regards ,



  4. Hi Jessica,

    Can you tell me why I have been kicked for 31536000 seconds ??????


    1. StarScream


      Please message @Charlie or create a topic on appeals.

      AFAIK you were banned for TK, but Charlie has the details. 

  5. dead
  6. Hello ,  you all cheaters on IP 37.187.4979:27980 ,

    Of course I understand that there is a technical programming challenge to adapt certain parameters, as was suggested to me last week by some player.


    I hope that we can get an own place on the server where it is impossible to adapt certain parameters.

    Or am I to old for this kind of games ???????

    Regards ,



    1. Charlie


      There'll always be cheaters but they aren't welcome on TM servers. Any bad "parameters" are forced server side so they can't be abused. I know there was an issue tonight on Nitmod regarding a possible cheater but this was earlier in the evening. If something happened later on can you give us any more information? A demo or a name or a time or a map?

  7. Hoi, Whenever I try to fill in the IP address ( ) there appears the message " Do you want to redirect to". How to avoid this ??? Regrds, Pipoteentje
  8. Problem solved : Have to run ET als Administrator !!!!!!
  9. Hello, I had to re-install ET due to a HD crash. Game does start-up until the message (ui_mp_x86.dll) failed pure server check Any ideas??? Btw : using Win7
  10. Hello Mr Muppet,

    I've got a ping problem : in the game the ping value is about 250 while in the past it was about 15 ms (average).

    Pinging to your site (www.teammuppet.eu) the value is about 15 ms while to the value is

    about 250 ms, also on (beginners).

    Also to my provider it's about 10 ms with 120Mbps, so I think the problem is the server, although I can see values from other players which are quite normal.

    Any suggestions ???

    Thanks and regards.



    1. MiniMuppet


      Pip make a topic in the help section. http://teammuppet.eu/home/forums/forum/430-general-help/

      The server and website are in 2 different places, the website is in Germany and the server is in France.

  11. Hoi Je$$,

    What about that German thing you mentioned in the game ?


  12. Hello dear Muppet-Memebers, For a few moments ago I was kicked from the server for some mystirious reason of amount of players. As I am already quite old compared to the average players, I can still read and count how many players are on each side. As I am also Dutch and living in a great country (The Great Kingdom of Belgium, lead by a mixed goverment that consists of multiple parties), I don't like to be kicked for false reasons !! So please Admins (don't know how many there are) , keep it fair and don't kick social people. Thanks that I could write this on the Forum. Regards, Lode
  13. Hoi,When I start ET, i'm automaticly send to Any idea how to delete this address??? Regards, Lode
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