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Everything posted by Flavour

  1. Why, why, why on a Friday :'( I go to defqon 1 so won't be able to join, but i will think about all of you when i'm getting drunk there!
  2. @Flavour thanks for the invite flavour! I will consider coming!
  3. Night shift #sleepy:SNIF:

  4. I want all four of them, i am the best in any competition, please send them up to me
  5. StaR where are you? Me miss you very much!

    1. Alistar
    2. StaR


      haha, I miss ya to flavour. I'll try to get on this weekend :)

    3. Flavour


      Both come online this weekend! <3

  6. Flavour

    Halloween event!

    Nice event! I'm gonna try to be there but i can't promise! I really hope there's nothing else to do in my social life haha!
  7. So much work to do, can't handle this :(

    1. GreatDanton


      If you have time to write this here, it means you don't have enough work to do :)

  8. Flavour

    New leader

    Congratzzz freak! we all know you are capable to manage this family! I wish you the best of luck mate!
  9. Looks like we are all made out of carrots, never knew that!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karin


      Sometimes i Like to dig a hole in my back yard and pretend i'm a carrot!

    3. StaR
    4. Flavour


      That's exactly what I do kaleria!

  10. Brjafsks ofejawri asdjk!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VenoM
    3. TommyBiondillo


      I have said that before and i will say again, dutch is a weird language. Sometimes i wonder if they even are real words.

    4. Flavour


      Joker, this is not dutch! I thought it was estonian instead

  11. *ugh* Cheaters *ugh*
  12. Hangover part 4 just kicked in!

  13. welcome to the forums grandpa
  14. Ill at home :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flavour


      So sweet! where are my drinks?

    3. Alistar


      HEY! Who makes drinks for Flavour??

    4. Flavour


      no1 cares about me :cry:

  15. Maybe it's an idea maybe it's not, but i see a lot of ppl are willing to join. maybe we could do a pre-round. Like the ppl who want to participate we let them battle against each other first. since we have enough players for 3-4 teams and only 2 can join. So the best 2 teams, or top 6-12 players are forming a team? Sorry for my bad english but i hope the most of you will understand it, and maybe someone is kind enough to translate it into a good readable story so everyone understands it
  16. haha Darek! It was a tie at the end between us wasn't it?
  17. very nice event! i want to say to ailmanki you did a great job! i had alot of fun!
  18. What a speech! I dont know mini and Mr. that well, but ill try to be there!
  19. which team would like to have me? ;p
  20. Flavour

    It's time

    Thank you!
  21. To far from my bed

    1. Alistar


      Rly? What are u doing

  22. We can play with 2 teams right?
  23. If there's a spot free, i would like to sign up thinks this is a nice chance to win extra servers. and i think we got enough good players around here!
  24. Flavour

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    aliiii ofc i wanna team up with you! i felt so lonely!:D:D:D
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