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sh1sha last won the day on December 4 2017

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About sh1sha

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    Satan and other stuff

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  1. nice one
  2. Date: 03/03/2018 Time: Israel: 21 h / 9 pm Czechia/France/Germany/Poland/Switzerland/France: 20 h / 8 pm United Kingdom: 19 h / 7 pm
  3. It's 1920x1080. For the moment it worked out to just change resolution to high instead of setting all graphic settings to high. next i'll try to get a config done.
  4. Honestly I dont have any config since about 10 years playing ET, not a pro but I still have my fun. So I changed resolution in ET, didnt exec a config-file. Screen goes to Windows and no failure or other et-windows is displayed. Maybe creating a config file would be the best solution, but I'm scared that it takes too much time.
  5. hey muppets, i have some trouble changing the graphic settings (low--> high) since some couple of weeks. ET starts always in low settings and when I try to change it to high settings it quits/closes the whole game but the brightness-setting will stay in windows (=everythings much more brighter, like in ET).... maybe somebody has an idea what to do. In general i always wanted to make an own config, but even 10 years after starting playing ET I don't have one thx 4 ur help
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome to forums
  8. sh1sha

    Santa Clause Day

  9. sh1sha

    Event: Christmas!

    I joined TM because I love Enemy Territory and it's much more fun to play with people you know (a little bit). It seems to be a great community and I respect all people giving so much time and work for this project! Thank u all!
  10. The enemies of a people are those who keep them in ignorance. (Thomas Sankara)

  11. sh1sha

    Easter Event

    Nice to see so many ppl at the event, had some fun even if the mod is crazy
  12. Startpage and forum looks fine and more clear, like it!
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