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Everything posted by Virus

  1. done but can't ban permantly, edit: pm'd him about it to supply a duration of the ban
  2. if i could get my hands on more demo's of him, we could be sure atm be carefull with him
  3. Virus


    hey and welcome to the forum
  4. a guy with to much time, hope he get disconnected from internet
  5. only got these name = sirwinstonsmith VC guid = DD121B466E10CBC6F953C03BA50EDBAE level = 7 name = ^0^1Donald guid = 7ECC02FABB77A951A39E669FCAA780BF level = 8 name: A-BOMBA level: 4 (Gold Player) GUID: 13ff2f40c60e35929c6a9677f480d5b8 (USERID: f480d5b8) and skepta only got this: 434dcc6f
  6. only lvl2 member and admin
  7. one command to help is !shuffle
  8. did you ban under the name giant jimmy ? edit this is what i got from previous log searching cl_guid\F550F4F29136B079BB6C77EFA3B94721 name\^5DRAGON ^1P^7L^2(^3SZUKAM KLAN \ip\ cl_guid\B5CC6B5710496D43EA1AE98171D80010 name\*Newbie* ip\ cl_guid\B5CC6B5710496D43EA1AE98171D80010 name\^1billy ip\
  9. :occasion-birthdaymulticolor: :occasion-cake: happy birthday
  10. saw that already
  11. did you replyed on that email?
  12. edited and uploaded to the server
  13. ok changed every thing so now for the young members if this is ok then i will add this to the etpub server, also added the muppet ally group, the most adminlvls should be correct so 0= ^2G^8uest 1= ^2Regular ^8Player 2= ^2Bronze ^8Player 3= ^2Silver ^8Player 4= ^2Gold ^8Player 5= ^2Muppet ^8Ally 6= ^2Tryout ^8Member 7= ^2Young Member 8= ^2Member 9= ^2Level ^82 ^2Member 10= admin
  14. this are alle the commands for full members, want some removed for junior
  15. just watching there server and i see a bot named afther their website maybe an idea we can use, people see it better then the text messages?
  16. Virus


    i would also be embarrassed if i ask somebody for help and it turns out the guy is banned
  17. our etpub succes has been seen but what do he want from us? is my first question after reading this. he is right on the thing that people attract people. TB & site http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=claninfo&cidx=32 http://enedwaith.com/user.php?id.40
  18. Virus


    yea i saw , did they do it or somebody else ?
  19. a guy with amazing computer skills made this
  20. maybe an idea try to add these maps and let only these run on the server Element Beta4 Purefrag Final enable map voting, are the 1vs1 maps on the server ? if not add these, the best te_valhalla, tournementdm2 ,ctf_well
  21. good idea if we have more under 14, just checked newbie(easier then ppj... ) he is 15, underdog 16 and newbie has not yet used the admincommands, and about Reepicheep he hasn't got a guid yet not seen him on forum, so can't help with that
  22. no isn't me, was at work so, nodownload? he is online Silver Player' (*890E4343) ANTIVIRUS (a.k.a. edit: he is atm named cos, had to send a couple of pm's, some chat messsages, was going to rename him but he renamed him self so. also said that if he want to become member to post here
  23. you should delete donald's, calibri & winstons lvl on the jaymod server saw that donald connected 4 days ago, and checked his lvl he is still 9 same as winston and calibri is 7
  24. any idea who funds that server, a clan
  25. Virus


    aoa is welcome to play on our server, but we shouldn't be playing on their server, if you see our etpub server atm 16/20 . so we need to try and hold the activity on this server, and remerber our last training with them they ran off to play on their own server. About the winston no bad word about the person but because of him i was banned on the aoa forum's because i was transfering info to our clan so .... and here some quotes of his post on that forum Nautillus wrote: winstonsmith wrote: so if he is scaring all the new recruits away
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