if you want to have acid tech default style there is some work on it, it was made for prosilver, want to add some links in the menu section to revert direct to the post about how to join but that can always be done afterwards. also wanted to see if the mchat would cause problems on the test forum so need to install that also first
it is needed if you play real scrims, clanbase or cups. but it is not needed for friendly scrims, and a ref (referee should be a person that isn't influenced by the match, must thave experience
the problem that they still had to aprove that the forum said that the permissions for the registered users to post without aproval was set to never had to set it to no and it should work now. can you check it for a registered users who can't post without approval, can't change my permission
gave them these permissions for each in their own section Can lock topics Can merge topics Can move topics Can split topics is this ok or do you thinik they will need more