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About 0wN1x

  • Birthday 11/24/1992

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    the Netherlands

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  1. Hi Jane. I don't mean to be rude, but I have a hard time trying to understand what it is that you're suggesting. Your 3 posts and the topic title all say something different, but none of them are full suggestions. Would you mind explaining yourself a bit more?
  2. 0wN1x

    Happy New Year!

    TeamMuppet would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Here's to another year full of teamkills, prones, dreadful K/D and negative SR!
  3. πŸŽ…β„οΈ Muppet Winter Wonderland β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ„ Hohoho. The cold winter weather has reached our server and forum again. Warm up those cold hands for some ice cold frags! On behalf of the Muppet Team, we wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  4. πŸŽƒ TeamMuppet presents: Halloween Week πŸŽƒ With Halloween coming up we are happy to announce our yearly spooktacular Halloween Week event. We will add our Muppets Halloween pack to our servers as well as some Halloween themed maps. We hope to see you there, if you dare!
  5. Good luck with your trial!
  6. Rule number 2 literally says no whining or bitching on other players. Spawnkilling is indeed not allowed, but you can't go ahead and play judge yourself. We have admins to take care of this. Then there's rule number 11 that says if you disagree with how an admin is acting, send them a pm and don't go on in public chat. I presume you didn't follow that either. Also you're being kind of rude, which breaks rule 14 and possibly 16. You could've come here and discuss things as an adult. No need to come here in full attack mode. Lastly there is no such rule as warning someone twice before kicking. Imagine if we'd do that, we would be warning players 24/7. Every situation is different. Our admins are perfectly capable of handling these situations. If they think that, for instance, a direct kick or ban is warranted, they are allowed to do so. If you disagree with the way you've been treated, come to the forum as a grown up and make a decent appeal. Since it was apparently only 15 minutes, I'd advise to sit it out, grab a drink and come back without making a scene. It only makes it worse for you.
  7. 🐰Easter Event 🐣 Hide & Seek With Easter coming up, it's of course time for an 'egg' hunt. We hope to see you at our Hide&Seek event! Don't forget to join our Discord voice channel if you want to! Server: Date: Saturday the 23rd of March (next Saturday) Time: 8PM CET (check the timezone converter for your local time)
  8. Correct
  9. Event: Team Deathmatch - TM vs the rest Server: Date: Saturday the 3rd of Februari (next Saturday) Time: 8PM CET Do you dare to challenge the almighty Team Muppet? Come join us in this fun event, everyone is welcome! It's pretty self explaining. We'll be playing on a Nitmod server with Team Deathmatch gametype. TeamMuppet members in one team, the other players in the other team. Don't forget to join our Discord if you want to! We hope to see you there!
  10. I'm truly sorry to hear that. Even though you're not doing it on purpose, we can't let these things go unpunished. We can't make a distinction between who's allowed to break our rules and who's not. The same rules apply to everyone. Of course it's not like you're going to hit anyone. You may not be physically violent, but the things you say towards other players are violent and have no room on our server.
  11. 0wN1x

    Happy New Year!

    TeamMuppet would like to wish everyone who keeps this community going a Happy New Year! May the new year bring you peace, joy, happiness and a whole lot of frags!
  12. Ok, I'm going to lock this topic as this isn't going anywhere. Feel free to reach out to me or another admin if you've got your anger issues under control and if you're ready for a grownup conversation.
  13. Your name Shitheads was a direct insult towards a TM admin, hence the ban. I'm not really offended by the name mongolsii and as far as I know that name is not directly linked to an admin, member or any other player in particular. He's been using that name for quite some time on multiple servers. And it's a unique name too. If you are insulted by that name, I'm all up for asking him to change it
  14. Funny how you brought up those rules even though they have nothing to do with the reason you were kicked/banned. If you want to act smart, please put in a little more effort next time. What's the point of spectating and taking demos of someone who's breaking rule 16: "please use a unique name to make it easier for admins/members to manage the server"? You've been asked to change your name before and were even kicked for it a couple of months ago, like Jessica showed you. If you don't do as we ask you nicely and even get back with such a stupid name, the ban is completely justified.
  15. 0wN1x


    Welcome Mehmet! I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us. See you on the server!
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