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  1. It's biased as hell. I mean, I like it, however the last part is awfully biased and it's really difficult for allies to do anything. Or we can shorten spawntime for Allies/lengthen for Axis.
  2. I was just about to write same thing. I think that Pf with current energy rate is too powerful for 4 vs 4 teams. For me playing in such small team against a team with Pf is not fun. If this setting is same for both ETL and ETL2 server, I would rather make it restricted from at least 10 players on both server, than making it unrestricted bothwere.
  3. There is no restriction on PF related to number of players, which means it's available even if there are 8 players, which kind of destroys fun if someone takes pf. I think it should be available if there are at least 5 plaers each team. What do you think?
  4. Although I'm a dev (but not C lang) I would love to become a tester! Cause after work I can't think, however I play often. So at the same time it would be fun and not much o a headache to just play and test new changes.
  5. I actually like it. For the first moment it was a little shock, but then I got used to it. However I agree that maybe the graphics of explosives could be adjusted, cause airstrike is really, really huge, and grenade is ok. I think it also depends on the goal of etlegacy (or particular game, that we are playing at the moment) - if we would like to use etlegacy for competition playing, then I think user should be able to turn on/off wolfparticles. However, for public servers and casual players it would be better to have consistency among less and more experienced players, so switching this setting should be disabled. Maybe it should be enabled per server, so only the admins on a server could switch particles on (and no player could switch it off in their config) or the opposite.
  6. Ready for next one? https://www.crossfire.nu/news/9149/new-et-3on36on6-odc-weekend-2 Are you going to play 6v6 on this one? Powodzenia!
  7. Yes, selfkills in battle could be counted as a kill, that's fair. Same as Boosted - I don't care if I have two kills more/less, I care if we win the map. And I often use selfkills when ran out of ammo, just throw grenade and /kill
  8. As Matu wrote, I was kicked by server after having some (don't know the number) complaints from just one person. How did I teamkill? Artillery, as Allied Fops, when we broke door to the gold, I was firing artillery on the area where Axis can get out of their spawn directly to the gold. And damn... same teammate was constantly walking to this artillery, every time giving me complaint, then bang - I was kicked and couldn't connect for some time (I drank my beer at that moment, didn't want to open next one, so that advice couldn't help :P ) I'd say this is quite unfair, cause you never now if complaint is justified or not and if you collect enough of them it automatically kicks you. Shouldn't the whole team decide whether to kick or not a player for misbehavior? What if there's some trolling amateur who is driving some particular player nuts, then will get killed few times and each time give complaint to this team member he's trolling. Theb the trolled player, who actually is not the one to blame for anything, gets kicked
  9. I've just got kicked because of too many complaints. I'd like to say that I think it's not a good rule, because you can have just one person who is being teamkilled by you and always sending a complaint, even though those teamkills aren't 100% your fault. How many complaints does one need from a player to be kicked?
  10. I have no opinion about Navarone, don't remember this map. I would totally avoid MLB maps, since they're made for much mroe players than we have on TM. I'd be glad if we had sw_goldrush_te added to the server. Never too much Goldrush Especially, that they have major differences, wouldn't be so boring to even play one after the other.
  11. Why remove goldrush_te? It's as much fun as regular goldrush :):)
  12. Looks like I'm next, Hi guys! I'm very happy my favourite game is still being played and developed! I'm Robert, 28, from Poland, musician (playing on the best instrument ever! badum tsss 8)) / soon-to-become software dev, I played my first ET game in 2005 or 2006, after in 2012 I installed Linux and forgot about gaming until last year, when I've accidentally stepped on ET: Legacy website and now I'm struggling not to spend all of my free time playing ET ^_^' Nice to meet you all, epecially players from Legacy server, gl&hf :):):)
  13. Hi guys! I'm very happy my favourite game is still being played and developed! Just to introduce myself: I'm Robert, soon (two years ;( ) 30, living in Łódź, Poland, musician/soon-to-become software dev, I played my first ET game in 2005 or 2006, after in 2012 I installed Linux and forgot about gaming until last year, when I've accidentally stepped on ET: Legacy website and now I'm struggling not to spend all of my free time playing ET ^_^' Nice to meet you all, epecially players from Legacy server, gl&hf :):):)
  14. sw_goldrush_te - http://et.trackbase.net/map/118/ Siwa Oasis SW Beta 3 - http://et.trackbase.net/map/21/ [edit] By the way, do you track number of games on each map on the server?
  15. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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