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Everything posted by Miki

  1. Hey and welcome in TM. As miraro said put in fron of your nick <=TM=>[T]"yournick" I will put you on memberlist when you edit your nick http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=claninfo&cidx=83 Some of admin will set you the admin level 5 (Muppets tryout) Admin level is on commands you can look There what is command to.(some commands aren't here because it is only for jaymod) I think that's all hope to see you soon. And GL to be a Member Edit: Mr will set u to Trialmember group in forum.
  2. yes it looks nice, And buttons:Website,forum,and apply to join?
  3. Ok hope they will communicate and posting
  4. So.... I was talked to all of them ... I helped them with all options,xps and other things and say them (repetly) to register on forum they said yes so i hope they will do it. And now concretely- Krychu - He only will register on forum Lax- They said he don't play I didn't understand them well about him but think he don't have time Mich- Dunno Patryk - He only will register on forum Patrykcekuskiller - IT ISNT LAX!!, it is friend of Patryk and he want to join I help him with guide so he have guide and Say to him to register on forum and post in recruitment Umm hope that is all. EDIT:virus thanks again for that with guide.
  5. I don't know but probably players (15)
  6. Btw this is interestring http://www.belgium-fraggers.ycn-hosting.com/viewpage.php?page_id=9 EDIT:oh sry I can't help you with Ipod
  7. Yes there is Belgium kingdom and his General o'miraro III -the weakest Czech-Strongest General o'Miki :mrgreen: and rest-neutral (joke)
  8. Looked nice I must try it soon
  9. Hey welcome in TM! Aded on memberlist
  10. compare IP's? V: Yes true, and Players sometimes disconnect if they die too much
  11. Yes true, we can try it on etpub btw virus look on this http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=s ... dx=4190663
  12. I looked on 1 detail from yesterday 11 players and 3 bots and it was ok. Only not ranked because noanticheat protection = PB It doesn't matter So pb ON?
  13. yes i know. There must be minimal 51% players only think
  14. Yes true but players will have that ratings on splatta and TB
  15. Yes move it And what about PB on all servers? I think yes
  16. No he isn't virus is better. Video's elements is good. But look at the player names which that man killed. He killed bots or people with same nick for example -!!- honey, -!!- Tea, -!!- Salt, Joke . They help him. or am i wrong?
  17. Miki


    I talked with him on server some min ago.... He told me about joining aoa and his comeback etc.... So, Today it was his lastest visit on our server :/, he said he delete all TM's in Xfire.He won't reactivate forum account because he thougt Mr banned him. I Tried to explain it to him, nobody banned him. But he was stand by his opinion. He said to me he aren't decided about join AOA. He suggested something if winston will be back and propitate with Mr, he will think about comeback...... He will play now only on AOA. He said something about donald he gaveup about ET and TM .... Donald visit us every day on forum ? I think that's all what he said to me. He is good man for me, but don't understand this event... I don't know all facts about that .......... EDIT:Btw sorry for my bad english.
  18. yes it was a little laggy... but populate and that was good
  19. Yes we need them.Marcin sometimes speak good english- I hope he will back on forum. Patryk isn't on forum so we can contact him only in game.... Krychu,patryk mich lax are they polish? I must edit in memberlist and I will try speak with them again when I'll see them.We need polish interpreter :mrgreen:
  20. So.... I played with marcin and mich 5 min ago.... they only say hi, both don't have TM tags, i asked marcin if he still want join --> no answer from both no answer :? Krychu was online when on server was patryk me kasa marcin etc.... He communicate say hi etc.. => ok with him Patryk had <=TM=> tag... no T so I don't understand him , WHEN he comunicate he sometimes say yes i want join no i dont :roll: Lax.......... No info
  21. Good morning , memberlist updated
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