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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Miki

  1. WB man :happy-jumpeveryone: :happy-jumpeveryone: :happy-jumpeveryone: :happy-jumpeveryone:
  2. I'll heal only mini I am the youngest here or not? EDIT:I lend one of my sister to mir
  3. Say hi to my sisters, yea I like Xmas mod
  4. Was it cali joke? so !slap cali Btw "if you are cheater how is possible we killed you tonight ?" .....
  5. yea many rambo bimbo bambo bombo nurses btw mr can we set this ... for example I have admin level 4 so i can give to anybody level 3,2,1 ... this is on NQ i think, it is good because all members can give admin level to players which play lot of on our server and is friendly etc...
  6. Miki


    I tried this Ok must look in CFG.. Thx
  7. Sry i forgot on it, it was only "welcome" messange
  8. Sry i forgot on it, it was only "welcome" messange
  9. Miki


    Can somebody help me? If I start playing et with HLSW. I have these problems: I have old coloured nick... I always must change it to my new back.... Many controls isn't seted up... and last my binded keywords don't work. I change it in my ET main ET profile but it doesn't work
  10. it doesn't bother me, but 23 sec is compromise
  11. supply depot and desertrats - bots don't have waypoints can you repair it
  12. like old soundpack and minimod is too nice and scary
  13. Maybe can play still don't know if i will have time, But I will try to have....
  14. Thanks About caen and reactor yes it is true my bad, it hasn't got resolution. So i will look on other interestring maps... And what is with Anthony's maps?
  15. What's with them????????????????????? maxiesaleen laxeror Mich1313 saw him um....... 1 maybe 2 moths ago Miller trivum619- Amerika .... 2 weeks + no active mich On website we have many members for example the newest: Aridan Krychuziom Insane ironmike Have we got any contact to ask them if they still want to be in or not?
  16. My idea: Remove: "Silly CTF", Saberpeak (big map...), and maybe poll Add:Reactor,Snatch,Caen 3 or 4,Dubrovnik. Change the battery on "new version" think name is battery recharged It is only idea ...., btw all maps which I mentioned are here http://www.wolfmap.de/files.php?cat_id=5&order_id=1
  17. happy b-day mir! :happy-jumpeveryone: :happy-wavemulticolor: My present:
  18. Hi (ahoj ) I am from czech rep. too CZ: ahoj vítám t? u nás v clanu doufám že se ti bude líbit jinak já sem z prahy a kdyby si s n??im pot?eboval pomoct tak mi napiš PM (private messange).
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