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Everything posted by Miki

  1. sry for late :happy-wavemulticolor: :occasion-cake: Happy B-day!
  2. Welcome in TM mate Who speaks czech!?!?!?!?!?!
  3. yes it's look very nice
  4. I solve it .... I had two enemy territory game in computer in one folder.... so i delete one and now it works fine... all options must set again but binding colour all works... so thanks for all sugesstions
  5. Can you or somebody make it. Maybe we can solve this and "close" tag colours or is it?
  6. did you buy the czech internet ?
  7. Here are some idea's XP save forever I think it is much better than 14 days or 7 days.... because always after XX days you must get skill again, and generally it is popular for other players. ? yes or no? I know wins doesnt like it but i think it is more popular, I was looking on other servers: and in 70% was it "on", and when play on server for example 8 on 8 players you cant heal yourself because always someone see you and shoot ..., but i know some players if "rambo medic is on" they don'T give heal...... Respawn time ..... I think best is from 10 to 15 sec maybe 20 but 20 + is so long (maybe for u not idk), I don'T like, if I must waiting I give a admin level 1 to Aurelien2 he plays on our server.... say hello but doesn't speak :/ if i make a mistake sorry i will take away it . But think level 1 is "nothing ". Btw have you got any list which admin levels you set and which commands they can do. I hope you understand everything
  8. buy czech internet it is fast,no connection lost, cheap> great :D I hope that , will resolve soon.
  9. It's mini :P nice mode
  10. If it is today i can play. I am not at work today...
  11. I have a problem with coloured nick and "binding messanges"(for example bind hi to XXXX) if i use the HLSW 1) Nick i try change colour: in limbo menu in game options in game profile but always when I quit ET and start it again I have last nick ... 2)I binded my chat messanges in game console but when I quit ET and start it again it doesn't work. If i play et "normal" no with HLSW it works .It must be somwhere in HLSW but i can'T find it Maybe it is simple........ or i am blind Thanks for all help
  12. yea why not buy i won't be there from 18 to 4..... but it isnt only on me
  13. Miki


    i aded you anthony
  14. hehe ok thanks to XX for poll
  15. THX mini for making a poll.
  16. I know but if nobody from TM play on server (sometimes yes) players won't come
  17. Don't know if you agree but we need one primary server and question is what mod on it? Vote! For me is best Jaymod 1.2.8 and NQ 2.1.9
  18. ?????????????????????? ...So we need 1 primary server!, lot of players , some advertising on other servers.All members must play only on our server (i know if only "you" play with bots, is boring), But when somebody see as thoug is on our server, they will come and play and after some time any other will come... maybe :/. If it won't happen.............
  19. Miki


    I play on our servers if there is someone, (always look on splat and serverinfo in game) , if there isn't any I play on other server.
  20. It is winston's father ..... (too never heard about him)
  21. Sorry i won't be at home........
  22. agree and colours are nice for me
  23. Don't know... probably I'll have work so 50/50%
  24. 15 sec is best for me
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