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Everything posted by Miki

  1. I tried connect minutes ago and have incorret et version..... I download Et patch... but doesn't work.I am tired now i look it on it tomorow. Console only write: "incorrect et version" I think it only need patch the et.
  2. Welcome in our server and forum. Me is Miki (Bimbo nurse ) I hope you'll have fun in TM and find new friends Donald or Miraro tell you more about joining and they will set up pool abot yes or no...... etc. (Nice your old clan http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=claninfo&idx=10415)
  3. All maps are fine but reactor is sh.t map for me
  4. can we play oasis? I try tonight to log on their server....
  5. me can always do rambo medic but here must be teamwork .......
  6. Miki


    It is ok khaine I have an idea for you :D sleep in day and play in night Good work miraro :violin:
  7. ok maybe you comeback bye and gl irl
  8. great time for me (it is time of our tm night)
  9. Miki


    yes it is nice the best are:2nd elephant and owl
  10. Happy Bday crop :occasion-birthday: :happy-wavemulticolor: :occasion-birthdaymulticolor: :occasion-cake: :obscene-drinkingdrunk: When will be your comeback ?
  11. Miki


    I think this sunday is ok for me
  12. Miki


    hi welcome me is 160 years old i am older man in TM Mr don't lie you was on holiday in Karibik
  13. lol GL with moving miraro all dont want stay in
  14. Miki


    make somwhere new bombs
  15. Lol wins I played with him yesterday 2 hours.... He started to play on our server 2 days ago http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=playe ... age=server http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=playe ... age=server
  16. hi welcome to our server and forum Wins he played as quasimodo http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=playe ... dx=2964928 http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=playe ... age=server Donald takes pool about your join.....
  17. miraro put bomb to his PC (Miraro bomb is over the 18 years old) Donald can you do pool about bots? and can we help you with somehow with "financing" your server? Maybe me can do the banner with publicity about our server.... I don't know...
  18. miraro maybe you thought this: http://teammuppetdownloads.co.uk/Waypoints/ dont know is it only for jamod..... donald you low bots right? when i played 1 hour ago some bots was away?
  19. It sounds bad.... I know you cant pay cash for server if there aren't active players.... I like our jaymod too but it is on...... on server are regularly active only these players and members: Anthony wins donald virus me miraro W man bomba little pig don13 mr-nicer Skepy(calibri) MR, Mini, Tiny muppet. ====> 15 members :S What is with: Karachi and his brother Aqmebrak,Gr33nsho3s ,Crusher, Metin42???????????????? Why Khaine play on http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serve ... =510190???? -.- Bond is active on our friendly BH server And i dont know but how many visitors we had for last months 25? and still play on our server We need more active and "new blood" (czech wise saw) My proposal is: Low bots on our server to 3 on each side together 6 bots people don't like bots I dont know if is max bots atractive... And we need some publicity. maybe stupid proposal I dont know I hope you understand me
  20. thx for ask anthony I fixed my whole ET NQ jaymod all is ok!
  21. Miki


    I don't know if I can play .... have still problem with ET When it will be good I propose any day at the weekend
  22. reinstaled ET........ resolution problem still.......... but have new problem (damn, omfg omg omg)
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