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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Miki

  1. yes we can do it for you. I think it won't be a problem.
  2. Happy B-day :violin: :occasion-birthdaymulticolor: :occasion-gift:
  3. yes from me he play on the servers many times and he is good players
  4. yes from me i saw him almost every day
  5. Thanks all!! Party :occasion-cake: :occasion-gift: :obscene-drinkingdrunk:
  6. I look to other servers on cortex map and in one i dont remember Ip adress were bots good and have waypoint they defend objective good etc. But i don't understand this thing "programing" in ET is no my hobby
  7. I agree. Cortex is good map We can add these some maps:transmitter, cortex, tc_base, "Fun Tennis" and Snatch I dont play on the NQ last months because all players play on the jaymod I dont know what maps are there. When we change maps or add some news i hope many new players play there.
  8. Miki


    yes it is true but what do you think on this : we can delete bot and set minimum players to start match for example 6 and off start match vote but i know it has 1 problem in the morning and in the night there wasnt player's and server had on list 0 players :S and now I played on jaymod and bot didn't play you off them? look
  9. Miki


    Hello all (all this on jaymod) Donald can you set bots option? They shot on player when he dont shot and is in disguise. And their accuracy down.They is 100% killer on MG. Wins agree with it. I hope .
  10. I played with him more time but i saw 1 mesange from him "GG" I dont know. Lets see next month
  11. I have lvl from wins tonight but thx Donald
  12. Yes from me i saw him every day on ET and he is good fair player
  13. Hello guys Can I get admin lvl when I can write !putteam plz I played on jaymod and teams were unfair 5 on 1(players). Some player asked me on change teams.But i can't.After 2 maps it was fair. I don't want to worry you with admin levels..... I don't play 1 months +/- sry for it but school is school I am on forum every day and email too
  14. Hello guys Can I get admin lvl when I can write !putteam plz I played on jaymod and teams were unfair 5 on 1(players). Some player asked me on change teams.But i can't.After 2 maps it was fair. I don't want to worry you with admin levels..... I don't play 1 months +/- sry for it but school is school I am on forum every day and email too
  15. happy birthday!! :occasion-birthday: :occasion-birthdaymulticolor: sry for late i havent got time ..... school
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :occasion-birthdaymulticolor:
  17. yes i know it i vote lets see next month.
  18. i dont know 50% yes 50% no when i was play with him he was fine but i didn't play with him last 2 weeks :S. BTW: I have a great messange 99,99% for me and0,01% for you :D maybe..... My notebook will be repair i will go take it tomorow YES ! How long vote will? .... Me don't know with him.
  19. i dont know because i didn't play with him sry guys. I can't vote.
  20. :O 14 leves. Why isnt TM tryout level 5? 5-6 is same But nice post work crop.
  21. Sry all i can't play this week maybe i can play next week. The service will contact me on this moday(about my notebook). I will send messange about me and next week ok?
  22. yes i will be there 8 GMT ok i can play 1,5 hour maybe 2 hours i dont know. But there is the big problem my notebook is in service they reapir it mabe 5 days or maybe 1 months i dont know and on my computer ET doesn't work punkbuster and connection problem :roll: . I dont know i try to will be there. I will send a messange here to about me to end of Friday. BTW:do you understand me? I can't speak english super
  23. no for me nothing. It is look like very nice!! Good work mr
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