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Everything posted by Miki

  1. oops sry mini my typical stupid answer
  2. hey MINI ! why you write "rofl"? when sunday 8th ?
  3. Have a good trip!!!! nice action of your school
  4. ok have you got an email on him? or any contact?
  5. Ok can you play with TEAM D (me wins and badwolf) on 22th feb?
  6. beer is life or alcoholic players i know it is stupid but ......
  7. Me can play today evening maybe tomorrow evening wednesday and thursday evening i can't saturday sunday i can hole these day's next week i dont know I can play! today(16th) 17th evening 20th evening 21st hole day 22nd hole day
  8. Miki


    It will be hard arrange date of it :doh: :doh:
  9. Miki


    ok i can play today.(this sunday) and next weekend too but in this week i can play on monday and friday evening maybe on wednesday evening.
  10. Miki

    TM cup

    ok thanks i will send it later.I go to see my favourite serial MD(dr. House)
  11. Hm i dont know how to use teamspeak i must download program and start program and coonect to ip : ........ ? but where can i dowload it. It is typical for me=>questions :D
  12. Miki

    TM cup

    yes i am happy :D maybe I will go to watch it ok bad and wins can you play on the friday eveningor satruday evening or sunday evening? we win the cup , but we must train.
  13. :oops: oops i too missed it happy 40 years :violin: MR muppet Happy (41) birthday i musn't miss it
  14. Miki

    TM cup

    Yeah welcome back badwolf ! Teams are comleted. NQ won't be change. will we play cup this weekand? and when ?
  15. Miki

    TM cup

    Where it will be? server ip? pass? I Agree with it. Good idea.
  16. Miki

    TM cup

    Omg it is in czech 22 hours i can play max 1 hour i will must go to school :S.I dont like school . What would you say on Saturday 21:00GMT i thing it in belgium denmark czech etc. 22:00 +1 ? or 20:00GMT 21:00 for den cze bel..... ? i saw "the matches will be on sunday evening 20.00 or 21.00 GMT +1 (Belgium time) " I can play too max 1 hour maybe 1:30 Hour. But i agree with sunday evening 20:00 GMT 21:00+1 belgium denmark czech etc. Someone who can do Poll in this topic do poll And "answer" Saturday evening 20:00 GMT! Saturday evening 21:00 GMT! Sunday evening 20:00 GMT! Sunday evening 21:00 GMT! Another time(write it in messange) Do you agree with poll? PS:Sry for my english Wins and skep what is your problem with connect i dont nothing about it.But i can't repair nothing with ET
  17. Miki

    TM cup

    When it will be start and where?I know nothing. Sry i am "out" .
  18. Miki

    TM cup

    Me is Czech!! To map: i vote other: Siwa oasis (anything version) It is ok "answer"?
  19. Crop yes i am lucker . THX miraro for answer. I will look on topic of TM cup. It is a good idea !!
  20. Back!! 1 day ago 1st Feb :/. Here is many NEWS omg :D. Plz somebody tell me about all news!(I will be gratefull ) What is TM cup? Can somebody sign up in to this cup(i am czech) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czech_Republic, but i know nothing about it :D .I hope i haven't missed anything.
  21. Hi all I will be inactive from 23th January to 1st February.I will go to the mountains with my familly . I have notebook.But i dont know if there is internet (wi-fi).Sry all for this inactive, but i like spring holiday and skiing . See you on 2nd February . Bye your Miki
  22. Happy new year 2009!! I hope that you will have all the good. Problem with servers will end . We will have most wins in clan war . Our server traffic will increase! May i arrange clanwar for us?
  23. I repair ET "this topic is lock"
  24. omg i will try repair it if i dont repair it i will must reinstal ET (NOOOOOOOOO )
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