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street aka steve

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street aka steve last won the day on October 26 2019

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  1. I agree with you arty and panzer cooldown are just plain silly when server is busy its Arty that's the main issue as Jay states when server is low in number its panzer firing at you every spawn especially if you lose map control. I used to enjoy playing on low numbers now its just quit or play elsewhere
  2. Market garden gets my vote plus mintys vote by proxy +2 while subway isn't my most fav map I would vote it in busier times
  3. Had two stints today and not once was I bugged played on old client also. If it rears again I will try your suggestions mini
  4. Happened on both clients this afternoon
  5. ahh ok thanks for info guess I missed my window when I was inactive shame
  6. ok thanks m8 I will do that
  7. Your Dad will know all about the epic battles on shell street and fighting in the sewers then The games went on for hours as it was dual obj one side had to win the map remember playing it till like 4 am as no one won then have to go work wrecked heheh yeah not sure how it would play out in et as I never played it on a busy et server only low numbers.
  8. I was being a little cheeky as I no its not on the server . I haven't run around that map for years and its a lot to ask to have it put up just for one players needs. I'm not sure who makes the decisions on maps actually but if its not to much trouble could it be considered ?. I could at least vote it when server is empty but of course its a map best played 14 a side plus.
  9. Never gets voted such a shame large map perfect for peak times dual obj so need attack and defence what's not to like ? Few facts that some people may not know Map was made for RTCW by a small company called splash damage who were commissioned by games domain to make the map and yeah they went on to make our lovely game ET. Map was based on the battle of Marketgarden and Arnhem Bridge. After gamesdomain along come Jolt and there is where a marketgarden community really grew . Fozzer was head admin of Jolt 3 and 5. Jolt 3 was osp which was RTCW competition Mode so equivalent to et pro and jolt 5 was the Marketgarden server which was shrub mode which is like et pub I guess. Fozzer was also a admin of pbbans which was like the punkbuster enforcing dudes and he was good at catching cheats so clean server. He was also the clan leader of RFA (READY FOR ANYTHING) which was a community clan not dissimilar to your clan TM. Back then we wasn't spoiled for maps like we are now so many happy hours with that community.it was nice to reminisce over morning coffee Vote marketgarden at least once and you will receive a virtual hug
  10. I never have a issue with fps and I use old client mines rock solid stable same as dmxj
  11. Lovely thanks for letting me know
  12. I Just messaged a AL hope I got the right guy
  13. I thought that's what his nic was in et although he will always be sweatysock to me that was his rtcw nic
  14. that would be good news
  15. Dmxj hey m8 seen you on server a few times not playing as much as you used to ? Rach was that AL's gaming nic on tm ? I cant actually remember its bugging me trying to recall Ty Boosted
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