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froggy last won the day on January 9

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    Motorbike trips in France, Italy, and Greece

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  1. Please, could you make the medics recover health while they give medic pack/revive teammates ? And slow down the automatic recovery ? I know it is a possibility on NoQuarter mode, no idea on NitMod
  2. froggy


    Hi HipKat! Nice to see you here You are not so old as some are even olders than you... Me maybe? 🤔 I never met you as I play on Beginners, but who knows, maybe you will come one day 😉
  3. For instance, no problem with these settings
  4. The problem is that medics have only 60 bullets, and without any Fieldops they are disadvantaged... I am not sure these settings will satisfy our players...
  5. Thanks Ande !!! No more BOT as fieldops !!!
  6. not a question of late or early, It's all day long...
  7. Please make the bots can't be Fieldops anymore They usually make shit calling for airstrikes where it is useless And they ruin what a human fieldops would do.
  8. Hello everybody! Hello @MiniMuppet Could you please add the map Industry 2 (map + waypoints joined to this massage) ? Rating ENABLED for this map. Map Type: OBJ Map Size: Large Map Theme: Regular Attacker: Axis Description: (the readme file) Industry2_final by cyburk plz report bugs and suggestions @ www.cyburk.net Install: put the industry2.pk3 in your Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain folder and play. Changes from industry1 map - game time is set to 30 Minutes - tank barrier 1 has to be build from the start - no allied team door - health and ammo cabinet - little bit more cover here and there - second spawns for allies and axis - more ways - sounds for tank damage/repair Main: Escort the Tank to the Bunker and blow the Doors. Dynamite the Safe and steal the Secret Documents. Build the Fieldradio to transmit the Secret Orders. In this Mission the Command Post is very important cause it activates Spawnpoints near the Bunker. +Axis - Destroy Tank Barrier #1 - Destroy Tank Barrier #2 - Escort the Tank to the Bunker and Destroy the Doors. - Dynamite the Safe Door. - Steal the Secret Documents. - Build the Fieldradio and Transmit the Secret Order. - Build the neutral Command Post to enable the CP Spawn near the Bunker. +Allies - Build/Defend Tank Barrier #1 - Build/Defend Tank Barrier #2 - Dont let the Axis blow the Bunker Door. - Defend the Safe Door. - Destroy the Fieldradio. - Build the neutral Command Post to enable the CP Spawn near the Bunker. thx and greetings go out to: all people at level-designer.de ron007, michi.be, asw, hardcoreraver, / etmaps.de chiemseeman, / M8D Nephilm for testing.& M8D clan / Berserker from wolfmap.de / and everyone at splash-damage forums for the hints and suggestions / zigzag for the tank reapair/damage sounds taken from caen. industry2_final.pk3
  9. Today, map tankbuster. I decide to be soldier with panzerfaust in order to destroy the tanks. One bot took the panzerfaust 3 minutes after and i lost the panzerfaust. He stopped being soldier, and was medic. I recovered the possibility to use the panzerfaust . 2 minutes later, he came back soldier, i lost the panzerfaust. And no way to send him to martial court...
  10. at this moment, 3 fieldops in axis team. End of the map, new map and back to 2 fieldops
  11. Exactly the same on transmitter. So maybe the problem is N!tmod...
  12. Right now, on Goldrush I join allies, as fieldops. we are 2 fieldops, me and a bot. I leave allies and join axis as fieldops, 2 fieldops in axis team
  13. i confirm that the new bots are fieldops...
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