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ralvek last won the day on October 31 2024

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  1. broke the chain - re-considering applicaiton vote
  2. έλα ρε μαλάκα τι περιμένεις από αυτό το post - είσαι ανόητος
  3. oO00Ooupsadaisy
  4. No you don't make me abused with your posts mate All the numbers in the last post, was abuse tho xd I just like to call a duck a duck. So if it says heavies on the topic, it should be heavies in the subject. I think digressing is a highly inefficient way to get things done, that why I steered (And always will) the convo back to the topic. I like getting things done, while their still fresh and relevant. Charlie, yeah the response is generally positive with the exception of a few players
  5. Stumple what the fuck are you on about, mate? Your comments are doing exactly just that, but for some reason you can't comprehend that this is heavy weapons topic. Anyway this subject is in fact closed for the moment, the limitations are in effect and we see how that goes. I don't see any reason to allow further discussion about it, it'll only spiral out of control. Stumple open a new post for medic discussions? not difficult. And PM me if u would like to resolve some sort of issue you have / believe I have with you. The public forum isn't the place.
  6. stumple again mate your focusing the heavy weapons topic into a discussion about medics. Its full of maybes and if's, id suggest allow a little time for these maybes and if's to occur. Everyone hears you we heard you the first second and third time you mentioned it, but derailing one topic for another subject is why it appears no one is taking your side. One thing at a time. I will shed some light on this; when these talks take place, and people spit ball suggestions, its great and healthy but the technical aspect of it, is often not considered. I know these technical aspects, and when I make suggestions it is based on what is already available in game or is already available thro the community. ETLegacy does not support this suggestion, to do your suggestion, means we need to find, modify code & test the module from another mod. This is work. And currently there is work going on for the topic above. It's not like some one can go switch a button that stops medics healing themselves, this involves several checks to take place, it is more work for the server, it increases the amount of calculations the CPU has to do. And for an if or maybe it's not fair to ask anyone to do that at this point. This is why I keep saying one thing a time. My suggestion about medic in your other topic, is achievable within the game parameters, in fact my suggestion would remove an LUA add on, reducing the workload on server. Why not continue this medic discussion in a Medic Topic?
  7. If you keep a copy of your etlegacy folder from /Documents you can also use on Linux in /Home/.etlgeacy and youll have the same account same guid same settings on both OS's/Machines. I use Win10, Linux, and Macbookpro same guid on them all. I there isnt set number knux, subjective - I suppose if its communicated that it's a new install, it would avoid it, while it's not ideal it would certainly avoid the ban providing we know them, in a case like you. It's really easy to put the etlgeacy folder on a USB pen or even upload to your icloud/gmail/onedrive/cloud - its small, and then you have ur guid and settings hud etc, its win win win.
  8. it says on it, you have too many guids, use one install. It gives the reason, and the solution.
  9. So you brought more AFK people into the mix. What's this supposed to do? I didnt even read ur replies m8 - I stopped at A
  10. But its only a democracy when it suits a few who don't play, this is the point ur missing. The majority have expressed these wants for a while and the same few people prevent it, thats not democracy. So you can't claim that. I cannot fully under stand the quote below I am sorry.
  11. Hi, Who determines if its enough spawn kill for a ban? We don't have an allowance. Someone will look into it, when they have spare time to do so.
  12. Im not sure I follow, are u suggesting that because you used to be an active player, over a span of 20 years, but admittedly don't play so much now, the server should be confiured to your preferences? More or less? What do u even care if 100% of the players go medic, or panzer, or whatever, your never there....the point your missing is, your derailing smth that is a current issue for us current players, that were currently trying to resolve, and you've blabbed on for mutiple posts giving us your insights about a made up scenario that hasn't taken place. You don't even play 'when you have the time' - yesterday you sat here distracting from the topic for a few hours, could have played instead. But you didn't, so I'm inclined to think that you enjoy adding your opinion to the discussions more than the gaming aspect of the clan.
  13. Got my bifocals on
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