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Flo last won the day on January 18

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  1. Best is to download and install ETLegacy client. if you want to keep your XP, Skill Rating and Prestige points, you have to retrieve your « etkey » file from your former installation. If you can’t do that, inform us and we’ll transfer your data between your accounts server side.
  2. Flo

    Banned 1 year ?

    We had to mute you uncountable times, and we still hear reports about you speaking nasty on our server. At some point we need to move forward. if you were indeed changing your GUID because of new computer, you would be quiet on the server, but that’s not the case. So the ban. If you want to rely on our rules, they are clear: TM can warn, kick, mute, ban without any explanation or warning if a player is disrespectful. You had many many chances already and I believe we had this discussion already. From our point of view, you are not able to change your behavior and comply with the rules.
  3. Flo


    Hello, it's ok. You are whitelisted now.
  4. Done.
  5. Hello, it's ok now, you have been whitelisted.
  6. It's okay, you are whitelisted now.
  7. Hi there, glad you enjoy our server and its configuration!! What you are talking about (time bonus and maps customization) is mapscript (basically .script file already provided in each map pk3 which we modify). Then we upload these custom mapscripts in a dedicated folder on the server and a cvar on server config points to it. So it is loaded along with the map when server starts it, instead of the original one present in the map pk3. By the way, most of these custom mapscripts were/are done by a friend of TM, and I encourage you to contact him to ask if he agrees to share them. He is @uips. If he does agree, i can dump the whole folder and share it with you.
  8. Hi, situation sorted. Sorry for inconvenience.
  9. Modifications on main server: increased warmup time from 30s to 40s inactivity timer to 10s at beginning of the map (after warmup), then 30s rest of the map balancer enabled during warmup 1mn inactivity timer for TM members, no matter the situation of the map
  10. It’s 14 players in total, so up to 7v7. And limits are per team based, meaning if less than 7v7 there can be only 1 soldier per team, whatever the weapon picked.
  11. Script deployed yesterday on main server with conditions as agreed : - less than 14 players: 1 soldier, 2 rifles, 8 landmines - equal or more than 14 players: 4 soldiers, 4 rifles, 12 landmines spectators are not considered as players. Any feedback welcome
  12. That's because you changed your GUID (i.e etkey) between both attempts. I whitelisted the new one, please stick to this one now.
  13. Hi, we indeed check IP reputation for every new GUID connecting to our servers. Your starlink IP located in Berlin has many bad flags (bot activity, abuse activity, and proxified. That's why you were not allowed to connect using it. Anyways, we have whitelisted your GUID so you are now free to connect using any IP.
  14. My opinion: - limit number of rifle to 2 per team when server half populated, and 4 when server is full, limit to 2 max for specific maps (adler, erdenberg...) - increase soldiers charge time
  15. Modified minMapAge from 13 to 15, let's see if it helps to enhance maps diversity
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