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Flo last won the day on March 20

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  1. Hi, we don't have silent server, but we have a nitmod one with dual SMG setup, and the server config cvar for that is: set g_dualSMG "2"
  2. The issue has been fixed and you should now be able to play!
  3. Hello! let us investigate this situation and come back to you soon
  4. Flo


    There is a clash between you and Knux since several weeks, and spamming !news is one of the reasons of this clash, among others.
  5. Flo


    Can we all calm down here and be friendly together please. @knuX please respect our members and overall all players. No need to go mad with language, doesn't bring anything. @Txrki for bad language, you can use mute command first. Also, spamming !news command can be irritating from players point of view, best is not to spam that every map. Thanks.
  6. Hello, it's ok now, we have whitelisted your account. You are free to connect.
  7. Thanks for your feedbacks. This has thus been disabled.
  8. Hi, so we have upgraded our ETL servers from version 2.82.1 to version 2.83.2. They added a fine tracking of damages dealt, including assist mechanism. Along that, a feature to allow complaints upon teambleeding. This complaint makes an XP loss for the victim, and is by default triggered if at least 50% of your HP has been impacted by this teammate. This can trigger many popup, and is a bit redundant with the fact that server already tracks teambleeders, and acts (warn/kick) by itself against these. We would like your opinion on the poll attached on whether we should disable this feature serverside or not. (cvar has been tested and is working) Thanks
  9. Yes indeed I could confirm the bug. It doesn't allow callvote when there are less than 30sec left. I discussed with developers and this is not intended, and hard coded. So I can't do anything on that, there's no cvar or link with any other mechanism. So until they fix this, you either have to shuffle with wolfadmin commands, or callvote before 30sec remaining (current warmup time is 40sec on server).
  10. Hello Goga, we didn’t do any modification on that point on server configuration. However, I believe it is linked to the ETL version upgrade we did this week (we jumped from 2.82.1 to 2.83.2). We can see in the changelogs here https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/wiki/Changelog the following statement on the 2.83.0 version (see image attached).
  11. Best is to download and install ETLegacy client. if you want to keep your XP, Skill Rating and Prestige points, you have to retrieve your « etkey » file from your former installation. If you can’t do that, inform us and we’ll transfer your data between your accounts server side.
  12. Flo

    Banned 1 year ?

    We had to mute you uncountable times, and we still hear reports about you speaking nasty on our server. At some point we need to move forward. if you were indeed changing your GUID because of new computer, you would be quiet on the server, but that’s not the case. So the ban. If you want to rely on our rules, they are clear: TM can warn, kick, mute, ban without any explanation or warning if a player is disrespectful. You had many many chances already and I believe we had this discussion already. From our point of view, you are not able to change your behavior and comply with the rules.
  13. Flo


    Hello, it's ok. You are whitelisted now.
  14. Done.
  15. Hello, it's ok now, you have been whitelisted.
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