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StiffWrists last won the day on March 3

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    Coding, Cycling, Footballing, Gaming, Mathing, Photographing, and Reading.

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  1. It's annoying for sure, some important paths can be completely locked down because of heavies in spawn. Some map designs and the short spawn times really don't help. So far, the most effective workaround is the use of smoke and better attack coordination (rare on pub servers). If only the game had smoke options for rifle grenades or mortar.
  2. Thank you for this. I had so much trouble downloading z_TMpatch.pk3 in-game last weekend. Also, nice collection you have there. It even has my long lost map (rgb_practice)! 😃
  3. RIP, gone too soon.
  4. See the attached demo. Even admitted him/herself as much. Although this demo was taken in a round against bots, the hack was in use earlier. Didn't do too much damage then because the player was a noob playing Cov Ops and did not exercise trigger control over his sten. Possible wallhack as well but I have no record of that. demo0012.dm_84
  5. Thanks! This works. Do you have to do the same?
  6. Hey everyone, long time no see. Does anyone else experience this issue? ETL1 won't even show in Favorites even though I have had it bookmarked from before. I can see Beginners XPS, ETL2 and Frag server just fine. Currently running 2.81.1 on Linux x64.
  7. Yup, I don't think Bremen or Supply Depot needs destructible trucks. It's pretty bad for Allies unless Axis spawn position and/or times are tweaked to compensate. For Bremen, I wonder if making it easier for Axis to break through the warehouse(?) and reach the second truck barrier will help.
  8. Sorry for wading late into this thread.. I like the general idea but would prefer to keep kill spree messages prominent with that red all-caps prefix. I use it often to track players that got behind friendly lines (Gold Rush especially), or have overwhelming influence by being stationed in a strong position (MGs, etc.) and prioritise my targeting accordingly.
  9. The efficacy of rifle grenadiers is quite specific to the map, even assuming a fully populated 22 vs 22 server. I've never found rifle grenade spam particularly problematic: 1. Their blast radius is quite modest and rarely gib their targets. If you're an experienced medic, you can hang back, avoid the blast for the most part, and run in to revive. 2. Engineers with flak jackets can (almost?) take one to the face without dying. You can also switch to rifle grenades and have a duel or something. I personally have more issues with level 4 soldiers using panzerfaust on 5-10s recharge and carry an SMG on the side. Someone needs to take away their SMG 😀
  10. I'm not sure I understand how the vote manipulation happens. I can see how there could be a scramble though. I agree that increasing interval would help. Maybe tune it such that we have around 3 novel/uncommon maps each round. That way, people like me can just use my 3 votes to cover all or nearly all the candidates.
  11. I rarely vote now because we keep getting outvoted. One contributory factor is that there are a number of novel maps and without one particular choice to rally behind, votes get spread thin. I'd like to see the tallies as people are voting and have the ability to change my vote.
  12. I actually wonder if there is appetite for the game to be enhanced to support 'no artillery/airstrike/heavy weapon' zones. Seems useful for public games. Basically admins define regions in the map and the server prevents artillery/airstrike calls or shots from happening in them. It can be combined with the invisible clipping that's applied to et_beach on ETL1 for comprehensive enforcement.
  13. I was wondering where the map went.. After playing many rounds in tc_base, I think I agree. The thing I miss most from RtCW that can help clear out Axis campers is the unlimited airstrikes and artillery fire you can call (no team timer or sticky charges). Axis have very little cover on both radars and their spawn points are very exposed.
  14. Your memory is correct. A /rate of 25000 and /cl_maxpackets 100 was the recommended setting for broadband connections in the past. I'm not sure why 35000 is the minimum. If you try /rate 25000 on TM ETL, it will be silently ignored.
  15. I use ETLegacy as client on both Windows and Linux. I play with a 3440x1440 screen and ETLegacy allows me to choose the right mode with an FOV that is auto-corrected for the 21:9 aspect ratio. Unlike the old ET client, the text sizes are also scaled appropriately without any manual cvar adjustments.
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