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Everything posted by uips

  1. Connection with cable. No red spikes when there are less players. Full server with lots of activity increases frequency of these spikes. So far have not had any problems or issues with connection in general. Always thought its due insane amount of stuff happening at server because of high player count. Packets setting is x2 if it makes any difference
  2. I experience same red spikes mentioned by Lost. Not sure if its because of my connection or server and how it affects shooting? Another thing i noticed on ETL is bullets registering with delay? Like you can run behind wall and actually die behind wall due bullet registering delay? That was something new for me that i did not experience in other servers. Another things is the famous hitboxes compared to animations. Like at certain times the registering hitbox is in different place than head model. You can have ur crosshair on head and miss shots because the actualy registering hitbox is not matching with animation. Someone very "skilled" that has mastered the hitboxes. Basically the more u can make ur hitboxes mismatch the animation the harder you will be to hit. Here is some info about hitboxes: https://enemyterritorytips.wordpress.com/2008/11/22/hitboxes-in-enemy-territory-et-pro-reyaip-report/
  3. Just to clarify one aspect of game immersion releated to self killing. For example team killing enable forces players to think more when to shoot where to place yourself so u can still be effective in a fight as u dont want to shoot teammate into back. In sense it increases the difficulty of being effective in any given situation, creating more challenge compared to Friendly Fire ON where u can spread damage everywhere not considering your teammates position. It adds immersive realism to the game. Self killing works in a similar way. Ability to time your spaws refill your ammo and HP etc increase solo activity of player . Increase the speed of game, make most of every second you are alive, the competitive way. It somewhat decreases the immersion team bleeding adds. You relay less on field ops for ammo and medic for HP. You can have more impact on with less effort needed from team. Not being able to selfkill, player will find himself more in against odd situations (No ammo, no HP), perhaps need to plan positioning on map better. Like in a single player game, choosing difficulty easy or hard. Not being able to selfkill makes it harder for player to be effective in a battlefield. Considering the big 20vs20 server where a lot is happening any given second self killing gives competitive behavior gives chance to make more happen any given second. I dont use selfkill for the same reason you will get sense of lack of ammo and HP, need to relay more on teammates. Find myself in against odd situations therefore increasing challange and making it more fun in that way. Also going very competitve increases the rage and frustration of failure. So i consider the public server fun and relaxing environment and on purposely not forcing myself into that competitive state of making most. Playerbase of the server consists of lots of skilled players, many probably have competitive backgrounds. Selfkilling has been part of the game for long time. General feedback of people in this topic. 2nd rank in gametracker. All refers to that most people want it enabled.
  4. Further ideas over "RAMBO" Soldier. Main focus would be to get players who seek fragging to choose Soldier as first option. Big benefit for Rambo medic is med packs for himself, so some ideas to bring that to Soldier: New perk for Soldier - Combat Rage (Each kill will give Soldier fast health regeneration over period of time): +10hp/sec over 3 seconds (+30 hp) Each kill will extend duration additional 3secs, for example multikill would have +10hp/sec over 3 seconds x3 (+90 hp). Current given numbers are just to show the idea behind it. This will rework the way soldier works and throwing yourself in intense fights will be rewarding and fun. The idea is to give Soldier more sustainability as Medic has right now through self healing capabilities. That usually involves exiting combat for few secs to heal yourself. What Combat rage would bring to soldier no need to exit fight as the sustainability happens during fight. Such updates would rather move on from ET:Legacy towards ET:Reworked as an attempt to bring new things to the game. As also mentioned above why change something that has been around always. I consider it more like lack of live patches over period of time and the game has just taking the form as it is now and that is considered the standard right now and everyone is used to it and knows how the game works. As i mentioned earlier that changes have high chance of negativity for the very same reason. But that does not mean there is nothing left to improve. As a form of discussion maybe there will pop up some interesting not so game breaking ideas to consider.
  5. Link Medic regeneration with First Aid given (med packs/revive). That seems like an excellent idea. Why? it encourages more team play. Example situation: 2 allies with 50 hp both (Medic+Soldier?). option 1 for medic is rambo: med pack for himself and jump in action, +20 hp to Medic, +0 hp to soldier. Total healing value: 20 hp option 2: Med pack for Soldier (Aid team). +0 hp to Medic, +20 hp to soldier. Total healing value: 20 hp Perk FIrst Aid (First aid action from medic will trigger its health regeneration) med pack for Medic: +20 hp to Medic, +0 hp to soldier. Total healing value: 20 hp med pack for Soldier: Health regeneration for medic +5hp/sec for 4 seconds (+20 hp to Medic), +20 hp to soldier. Total healing value: 40 hp (2x) Same thing could happen on revive. Also mentioned above by Sebast1an: Treating yourself with med packs is one of the strongest perks. Another possibility to encourage medic for team play would be to lower the HP gain value from med packs thrown by yourself. It synergies very well with the above concept. Self healing nerf for medic: Example situation: 2 allies with 50 hp both (Medic+Soldier?).: Med pack to yourself: +10 hp. ( -10 hp nerf) Total value: 10 hp. Med pack to Soldier: +20 hp to Soldier. Total value: 20 hp. Synergy with Health regeneration: Med pack to Soldier: default: +20 hp to Soldier. Health regeneration for medic +5hp/sec for 4 seconds (+20 hp to Medic) Total value: 40 hp. Self healing nerf + First aid regeneration Compare Total heal value in terms of HP: Throwing Med pack for teammate has 4x more value than healing yourself. This will nerf actions of Medic playing solo and encourage team play.
  6. Disable med pack healing for medics to rely on self regeneration only. Even bigger health regeneration for Soldier class to recover for next fight? whatever the balance tweak necessary to make SMG/soldier more appealing than SMG/medic for fragger playtype.
  7. (Another endless probably never ending topic, also place for endless discussion ) Most out of balance class: Medic. (Highest HP,Health regeneration, Self healing capability) Those perks create 5.5th subclass under medic: Rambomedic. That is where the issue starts in my opinion. As many modern games give balance tweaks with every patch then in ET it has been the same for very long time and it has become part of the game which causes another issue: People so used to how things are and any changes will have negative feedback. Rambomedic in gameplay: You will see this person choosing fragging over healing and it is probably even more efficient way for the team if a skilled player uses advantages of the class to shred down enemy team. When a skilled player going rambo is more beneficial than staying behind as a team medic it creates situations where players seeking for medical aid find frustration in rambomedics not healing as in reality their fragging action is going to advance team more than keep healing teammates that keep going down. So current benefits of medic class will be used to get most sustainability in a fight. If you enjoy SMG fights medic is the most powerful class to choose for it, making the true purpose of "Medic" 2nd. It feels like theres two possible classes under one: Supportive Medic: Fully using its kit to aid team. Rambo Soldier: Powerful enemy shredder. All other classes seem to have logical identities: Soldier: Powerful weapons Engineer: Interacting with most objectives in map (repairing, constructing and destroying heavy objects with dynamite), tactical landmines. Field ops: Powerful tactical field control through artillery and airstrikes + ammo support for team. Covert ops: Possible stealth, stealing clothes, tactical smoke, sniper, destroying light objects with satchel. Things start getting confusing under Medic class, If you take the class name and look at the item kit: Medic: Medical support for team (revive + med packs). Now the other part powerful SMG capabilities seem to fit more under class Soldier. (Powerful weapons). Right now Medic with SMG and top shooting skills is equal to powerful weapon. I think this is where the balance might happen. Rambomedic should be under Soldier class. Those players who enjoy fraggin the most should pick Soldier class with SMG, it will delete 2ndary Medic duties if u want to focus on fragging. It will erease players complaining about rambomedics not healing. Once powerful fraggers decide to pick soldier instead of medic i think in general it will be more healthy for everyone. If you pick Medic you can focus on medic duties and thats what most players expect from that class. HP Balance To create a powerful Soldier with SMG medic perks need to be nerfed and soldier perks buffed, for example max HP: MAX HP right now: MAX HP Balance: Soldier 140 156(+16) Medic 156 140(-16) Engineer 140 140 Field ops 140 140 Covert ops 140 140 Regeneration balance Options: Remove medic regeneration as medic can alwasy use medpacks to heal himself. Health Regeneration for every class. Out of combat health regeneration (3s trigger) for every class, options: Low Hp regeneration up to 25%. Regeneration up to 75%. Full HP Regeneration. Mix of 1. and 2.: Fast out of combat regeneration up to 20-25%(Up to syringe heal). Advantages to stealth plays when u manage to sneak behind enemy with low hp, you will regenerate. slower regeneration up to 75% (Battle sense bonus HP). All classes can generate back hp just like medic does right now. If you want Battle sense bonus HP seek for med packs. Faster regeneration and faster out of combat trigger for soldier class also and option to buff. Conclusion 2 strongest perks of medic shifted to Soldier: Max HP. Strongest health regeneration. Whole idea behind this is to fix/erase the famous Rambomedic and balance class perks. Desired outcome would be that players who want to focus on fragging can choose Soldier with SMG instead of Medic as viable strong and powerful front liner, fully focusing on shooting that is encouraged by team. That would bring into game another subclass Soldier with SMG that is right now considered as secondary weapon (SMG as 2ndary weapon should be removed). Medic would be picked for the team aiding kit. 1vs1 Soldier with SMG Vs Medic, Soldier should feel stronger and have good sustainability for fights as does medic now. I think this would fix the identity crisis. Any positive+negative thoughts and suggestions on topic encouraged.
  8. Ive seen spectator count up to 15players, not in full server tho, so not a problem. So inactive spectator kick after 20min all times server full or not. That way server will get rid of afk and in case of full server admin can decide what to do. Connecting back to game does not take that long anyways. Its more a lazy activity to just move urself to spec i guess and leave it so half day. Right now lets say you connect in the evening see 8 specs, server is full. You have no idea who have been afk all day who just went to eat for 15min. Sometimes you can see admins asking those afk people "Are you there?" king of questions before kick. If something like that is active you as admin know that those spectators have not yet been inactive for over 20min. Perhaps new command for admins "inactivity report"? instead of playing detective and asking around. Actually 20min inactivity autokick server full or not might not be a bad idea?
  9. a) inactivity would trigger in 5-10min. Same you will not put to spec automatically when u afk 5sec in team(1min time trigger?`something like that). First u get warning and then it happens. If u stay in inactively in spec for longer time that is set (5-10min seems reasonable). Now when server is will and u have been inactive in spec for more than 10mins, you will be canditate for autokick in case of full server. And actually its not that hard to reconnect to game again if its been "unfair kick". So if its set to 10min its always safe to go spec for 10mins in a full server. b) if u are spectating u can always stop the inactivity just like in team 30sec afk warning, move mouse etc and player will not be considered inactive.
  10. I often see admins deal with it manually which is extra work and effort from admins. This process could be automated better to lessen unnecessary micromanagement. Not sure if there is any automated system, maybe someone can clarify this? Game already tracks inactivity to put people automatically to spec. Same could be used for auto kick whenever server gets full? 30s warning message to player who has been in spec inactive the longest and server full auto kick when player still inactive after 30s. inactivity time for example 5min so you can spec for few mins in case of need safely and if you spec someone in purpose you can always cancel inactivity after warning message. Very similar system already works from AFK to spec, same concept might be possible from spec to kick. Something like this will micromanage full server efficiently.
  11. It seems Memory pool got full, that caused the crashes on server on several specific systems. This issue could be fixed by raising memory pool limit. GIthub link below: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/issues/1924
  12. that is weird as it refers to ingame_vote_misc.menu and ingame_misc_refrcon.menu. None of those files have been modified in menu file You can try this file: _TMmaintest.pk3
  13. i got the menu working in virtual machine running ubuntu. Issue seems to be releated to file "menus.txt". it contains lots of loadmenu lines. I deleted some other Loadmenu to make total number smaller and the TM menu part worked. It seems like once it exceeds certain amount of lines the game wont start. Need someone from legacy team to confirm it if that really is the problem or its something else. Is there something to do about it?
  14. Anyone with OS other than windows willing to help? Could try load mod in local host to see if its causing errors as well.
  15. I think selfkilling in middle of battle can be disrespectful towards enemy team, specially towards one player in a fair 1vs1 fight. When you have a fight and someone just presses kill at last 30hp whatever the reason might be then: to spawn on time or just pride, dropping dead by enemy. What comes to one bullet, you are already engaged in battle then and u have free will not to use selfkill. Once you decide to use this competitive mechanic to leave battleground in means of gaining advantage, there is nothing to predict as one players statue is dead by mystical means. You can always skip the selfkill, not predict and see how the outcome is. Although I think scared to death is pretty fun and accurate prediction in such cases. I also think any delays or restrictions on selfkill should not be used. This makes changes to gameplay. selfkilling been part of the game long time and its part of some players play style. I think the question is if such behavior should be awarded as kill or not? This does not affect gameplay,
  16. Maybe the flag part should be one time objective, like allies take the spawn over permanently somehow. That would fix that particular issue. Something to consider in further releases of the map, if there are going to be any?
  17. The problem is u can deny allies from building it through exploit. Construction stays active for 30secs. Axis spawn time is lower than 30sec. Engineer can keep respawning with shield and just click pliers on command post to reset construction time and keep repating that. You dont want to finish building that CP, as long as it is under construction by axis there is no way for allies to capture the spawn point, therefore no way to deny axis from spawning.
  18. Then perhaps one reasonable solution would be different shorter inactivity timer just for warm up stage, during the match default value. That might move all afk players into spec automaticaly before match start. No more need for admin to check both spawns for afks. Now for example if its is 20vs20 and one team has 5 afks in spawn, it will start as 15vs20 still unbalanced. Perhaps that could be the point where fast auto balance should happen, moving 2 players. Now i dont know how exactly the auto balance works but for it to be able to do fast swaps it needs to know in all times who are the ones that joined last? (whatever the criteria is). So it could do fair swaps of more players at time. Warm up time (30sec) whoever remains inactive during warmup will be put to spec through automated system. Auto balance kicks in just before match start, able to move more than 1 player if necessary. The system would try to fix teams and create balanced state for match start, also decrease the need of admin input at start and let them enjoy game more too.
  19. What about making inactivity timer very short as well so it would take effect during warmup and clear all those afk players before match start. Or separate inactivity timer just for match sart/warm up.
  20. Add slight color to under construction objects to indicate which teams construction is currently under progress. Most noticeable in command posts when engineer gives a go on opposite team construction. Perhaps It could be an option setting to toggle colors on. Most likely a suggestion/idea to legacy dev team if people find enough interest in it.
  21. That might be true, but i still think bugged mechanics is not the correct way. Sometimes the side way is really hard for allies if it is defended enough by axis, To capture the spawn you need covert ops, engineer and luck all together. I find that axis command post under construction exploit really annoying as it sometimes gives axis several free spawns with shields. Allies have to survive those waves or die trying. If axis player managed to get those pliers on right time it might go on endlessly. In a way keeping it under construction on purpose will exploit it even more because it will completely deny allies from building it.
  22. I agree, awarding Scariest person would makes more sense since i think there is already award for most selfkills. So basicaly award would go for player who experiences most enemy self kills during combat, seems fun. Falling to death through enemy impact is working in a similar way in the server right now.
  23. Server Rules 3. Selfkilling in battle is allowed, but it will count as a kill for the enemy player. Right now it does not count as a kill or i might be wrong? Some servers use the popup to display in combat suicide like a regular kill PLAYER "was scared to death" by PLAYER. Wouldnt it be nice addition in public server where this rather competitive behavior is accounted as deaths and kills like a regular death/kill with any weapon. Perhaps even give award at the end of map Most times Scared to death.
  24. The fact that axis can spawn at command post without it being constructed feels broken: Allies covert ops can succeed in destroying command post (destroy axis spawn) yet axis can still spawn there. Whenever axis engineer spawns and clicks pliers on neutral command post it will deny allies from building it till next axis spawn. This can happen in row as allies are dominating the are but there is axis still spawning and those engineers denying allies from fully capturing the area. I think axis should be able to spawn there only when command post is up. If the spawn point is essential in side defense at map start why not start the map with axis command post already fully built as default.
  25. Sometimes after the warm up ends match starts with: unbalanced teams in terms of players per team AFK players in team This can sometimes result in parts or entire map finished in matter of minutes. Suggestion: Extra warm up time (15sec?) when there is afk in team or teams are not balanced yet. What about if the conditions for match start are not met (1 - balanced teams, 2 - no afk players) warmup goes in overtime to try to fix it: Moves all AFK players into spec after initial warm up is over Activates overtime when teams are still unbalanced after initial warm up. If it is still unbalanced after overtime, makes auto balance happen before game starts. (Right now the auto balance kicks in after the match starts unbalanced). Perhaps not the biggest issue but as it can affect entire teams and im sure lots of players have experienced such game starts. Sometimes there are complaints about it in game and requests for restart because excessive amount of AFKs in spawn. Maybe it would be a good thing if the game at least tries to fix teams before match start?
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