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Everything posted by RosenCruz

  1. I had the exact same problem. Changing to 32 bit client, even different CPU and GPU did not work. Decay, Venice and other open sky maps were also freezing for me. I switched to "low quality sky" from system settings I guess and problem solved for now.
  2. Yes I am using 64 Bit client on Windows 10. I will try 32 bit too. I am kind of on 1980s fella and not sure what Discord is. I do not have an account there but will try to figure it out and reach tech support if I have to as a last resort. Thanks again. Regards,
  3. Hey everyone, I am experiencing a weird situation with the game. My game crashes on the map "Venice". Tried deleting the map and allowing redownload while connecting to server. Did not fix the issue. My ET: Legacy is downloaded from official ETL web site and I do not use a specific .cfg or anything. Just a 30 sth year old nostalgia fella trying to enjoy the game. There is another map that the game crashes but I can not remember the name now. That is a very rarely played map. I play the game on a Ryzen 5 1600 AF CPU and AMD RX580 GFX card with 16 GB RAM. I use the latest GFX drivers from AMD. Any recommendations are welcome. Anyone has the same issue on certain maps? Kind Regards,
  4. RosenCruz


    Hello Everyone I am RosenCruz from Turkey. Kind of an old fellar trying to live some nostalgia. I was playing this game when I was about to finish high school back in 2004-2005. Really enjoyed the dynamics and teamplay. Over the years I did several comebacks to the game each time focusing on some different communities. I was a regular at Hirntot and Fearless Assassins back in the day. Not much of a competitive gamer to be honest. Now I am at 37 and just want to relax and relive those old days after I put my kid bed to sleep 😃 Just wanted to introduce myself to you folks. Wishing everyone a good gaming and life experience... Regards, RosenCruz
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