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Status Updates posted by MrMuppet

  1. EtPub server slots increased to 36 after next reboot, 2 slots reserved for site members, password in game server section.

  2. For all those that have asked me to do something over the last two weeks, I will work on it on Sunday.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Macka


      Don't forget my shoes! I want to see my face in them!!

    3. Smurfer


      work work work

    4. Jesus


      Lol macka ahahah

  3. Gaming night tonight guys?

    1. Virus


      normally if i can get the pc :P

  4. Gaming night tonight!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LordNewbie


      all i saw was satan and some french dude

    3. MiniMuppet


      yes i had just crashed when you connected.was quiet for a sunday night :(

    4. LordNewbie


      seem no one is on for the holiday... bet it is going to pick up next week

  5. I need to update both Jaymod servers, review new silent mod, sort out panzer restrictions and add map of week to map cycle on my days off!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Virus


      were can i find that cycle and will test that tomorrow with some other test i want to perform

    3. MrMuppet


      he posted the script he thought would work, not sure about the watchdog.cfg though without testing

    4. MrMuppet


      Well that looked rubbish, game servers/ etpub server map cycle

  6. I'm back after four long days at work! many posts to reply to, many issues to resolve, website to update, Halloween server to install, pm's to reply to etc etc

    1. Blitzkrieg


      A hard working man!! (Y)

    2. Blitzkrieg


      Fatal error: Call to undefined method Akismet::errorsExist() in /www/sites/90c/880/www.teammuppet.eu/web/home/admin/applications_addon/ips/blog/extensions/comments/entries.php on line 249

      An error when commenting the blog. Not a prvilege problem btw.

  7. is in Holland again for 2 days, post if there is any issues

    1. Frezzh


      Business trip again?

    2. MrMuppet


      Yes mate, at Woerden this time.

    3. Duro


      Near Utrecht :)

  8. Still awaiting thumbnail support from ipboard, url's and directories are correct - may be a host issue.

  9. Yo guys, how is things?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stumpel
    3. MrMuppet


      Still catching up on topics and posts whilst I was away on holiday, If I have not replied to a topic that you think I should have then please pm me the link and I will take a look.

    4. Jesus


      yes, sir. Will do.

  10. Leicester city, champions of England!

    1. Slarty


      Congratz, was well deserved :)

  11. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  12. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  13. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  14. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  15. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  16. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  17. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  18. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  19. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  20. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  21. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  22. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  23. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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