The maps on the NQ alternate each time between allies attacking and allies defending which means you will get the advantage on one map with a shorter time, but be up against it on the other.
Yeah, Winy will love it, Has Virus says, sorry, older versions only, there is only NQ that is alive and kicking, according to their site, >1.2.7 supports 0.8 omnibot, when it is released.
The et pub server is running on, this is a more "relaxed" server with; less gravity faster speed lower spawn times lots of ammo and health drops ammo and health cabinet quick regen boosting ff off play dead xp save forever lots of throwing knives increased land mines medic poison sudden death dyno plus lots more but most importantly no extras to download once you have etpub. Go and take a look.
We have been away so not had time to look into it yet, I put the server back on l4d2 before we went, that's why its not showing has running on the home page. I'll have a look at this tomorrow hopefully.
Yeah , pressed edit and not quote, too busy painting, I'll look into the anti cheat thingy, I would be able to launch a cracked server but a no anti-cheat server is no problem.
Yeah need about 6 a side for a good game, you need to to repair the tank by each discipline standing on the repair dock in the order it shouts and according to the control screen.
Thanks to Virus for bringing this to my attention, members can now view this section, this was in the members only section but the permissions where set incorrectly so only level two and above could view it, this was done when the forum was removed from the all about teammuppet section into the members only section.
I have tried to make the map cycle so that the axis and allies attack/defend on alternative maps, so people are not stuck attacking or defending all the time.
Changed a couple of settings for the server; Insanity now set to show attackers HP left message & distance. After still seeing medics running around yesterday throwing medic packs in front of them even though they cant pick up their own packs, the medics have been changed so medics get HP if (non-medic) teammates pick-up their healthpacks. This will not benefit a horde of rambo medics but will help with team play and should help people share their packs instead of trying to use them for themselves, also to make the game a little better, all player classes get 25 extra HP. Hope these improve the game play.
If you want to mess around with these themes to make your own, I'll install another forum, make you pair admin and give you ftp access to that then you can test out your themes live.