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Everything posted by MrMuppet

  1. Punkbuster Problem: " VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9006" If you encounter this problem please update your punkbuster. To update your Punkbuster, look for a file called "pbsvc.exe" in your punkbuster folder and execute. This will update all files that are required. If your problem still exists then erase your punkbuster folder and manually install the newest version. If you don't know how to do this, please follow this link: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  2. Punkbuster Problem: " VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9006" If you encounter this problem please update your punkbuster. To update your Punkbuster, look for a file called "pbsvc.exe" in your punkbuster folder and execute. This will update all files that are required. If your problem still exists then erase your punkbuster folder and manually install the newest version. If you don't know how to do this, please follow this link: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  3. Take you aggression out on the battlefield, death to bots!
  4. A topic of what films you have seen recently and can recommend, this should go on for ever. First up watched "hero wanted" two days ago, not a great film but watchable if you have nothing else to watch.
  5. Good film though, thats some thing we dont have a "films viewd" section, I'm off to start one.
  6. Guys we need another admin or semi admin to be able to restart the server when none of us are around. Obviously needs to be trusted and some one who is a regular to the server. Any ideas?
  7. Yep, it just needed restarting, been at work all day so did this as soon as mini text me.
  8. Well done guys, he is now banned, got the details from the server log below, cant beleive this guys would pay netcoders for cheats. Banned ip and guid via PB but will get him with shrubbot if he does get on. ^0Ma^1ster ^0Pow^1er^7: its etbot Item: 7 weapon_magicammo3 ^3PunkBuster Server: Master Query Sent to (ID2.EVENBALANCE.COM) ^0Ma^1ster ^0Pow^1er: etBot ^0Ma^1ster ^0Pow^1er^7: etBot Kill: 6 0 8: EC2EB08B05D76AA909492619D55E99A7 Crop, I added him via RconIT, check retrieve pb banlist for details.
  9. Do you guys use RconIT? http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/RconIT;59086 This what I use when I what to look at the server without joining, this is what Puppet used to abuse Flame. Just add the ip, posrt number and rcon password and connect but what ever you do dont press kill server, reboot is fine and if the bots get stuck and the server needs rebooting you can use this.
  10. Have a good holiday Donald and remember dont shoot any muppets!!!!!
  11. This is not a matter of who is right or wrong but what is right or wrong! Spawn killing is the issue, if no one had been spawn killing then this would not have happend. Spawn killing is NOT allowed!!!!!!!!! TM members dont argue in main chat, they use the PM system. Thay do not tell other members the issues in main chat, they use the PM system. Base race is now removed and though I do like the map myself, it just gets full of rambo medics playing as individuals and not has a team. "so please convince winston to apologise" thats up to him if he beleives he was is the wrong, if he muted because of what I have said above then I would not expect him to. I am not taking sides and do not favor people, puppet found that out, I put my trust in people to do the "right" thing when needed and thats why more established members have higher levels.
  12. http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-fix-phpbb-error-the-submitted-form-was-invalid-try-submitting-again/ http://www.phpbb-seo.com/boards/phpbb3-forum/discussions-vt1888.html I will edit the admin settings as described above and then he can try again, seems funny how no one else has had an issue though.
  13. Guys, What you prefere to be able to vote for ingame? Currently we are set at; set g_allowVote "1" set vote_limit "3" set vote_percent "50" set vote_allow_comp "1" set vote_allow_gametype "1" set vote_allow_kick "0" set vote_allow_map "1" set vote_allow_matchreset "1" set vote_allow_mutespecs "1" set vote_allow_nextmap "1" set vote_allow_pub "1" set vote_allow_referee "0" set vote_allow_shuffleteams "1" set vote_allow_swapteams "1" set vote_allow_friendlyfire "0" set vote_allow_timelimit "0" set vote_allow_warmupdamage "1" set vote_allow_antilag "1" set vote_allow_balancedteams "0" set vote_allow_muting "1" I will not allow votes for balanced teams as this means it can be turned off, I prefer friendly fire to be turned on also to stop field ops firing on friendly objectives and obviously no refs.
  14. Check your ingame stats to see how much xp per discipline you have and if you have reached the max for that discipline. You must have reached the max for things such as engineering and battle sense but may not have for thing like soldier or cov ops, Thats why I have'nt got the total max xp, I'm still short of cov ops.
  15. Looks like the server needed restarting, check now, every thing should be back to normal.
  16. Hi Guys, How is it going?
  17. Did I? When was this? Recently? Donald and Cropkiller are looking at the admin levels, not just who has what but what each level does, you could be level 50 but that means diddley crap if level 50 is the same as 2. Perhaps team members who have been with TM a long time or are constant attendees should have a higher level than those who are new to the scene or those who are not regulars. We need to know that a member can be trusted with the admin powers that they are given. Very, very few have the power to kick or ban, freeze is they way that junior admins have to deal with out of order players. All admin commands are in the server log so if there are any issues with players I can look back through these and read every single comment or command made to trace the issue; this is how I caught the man who we do not mention. To summarise, Donald and Crop are looking at this, you will be given what your given by these until they feel fit to give higher levels. To quote "your skills are NOT complete young vader."
  18. Come on Rob, lets have some suggestions! Of course mine is dont shoot the Muppet!!!! I still stick by my pet hate of dont ask for admin levels in game. Dont vote for map restart near the end of the map cause everyone looses the xp gained. Keep the human/bots balance at the start/midway through the map, not required in last 5 mins. Dont all TM join one team and leave guests on the opposite.
  19. This is something we touched on before but never expanded on, I do think that if there is to be some sort of members conduct then it should be open to all to suggest what should and should not be included, then we can have open discussions on the for and against of such rules to be included. If someone wants to start a new topic with this and we will make it a sticky. Two of the things I would agree to are no clan stacking and balancing humans/bots to teams. Donald and Cropkiller are looking into admin levels at the moment.
  20. Have you tried running etpub? the same has is running on, its alot easier to set up than noquarter and to be honest some of the extra's in it are better than noquarter, it also runs the latest omnibot where noquarter is way behind now.
  21. MrMuppet

    Help needed

    Have you tried running etpub? the same has is running on, its alot easier to set up than noquarter and to be honest some of the extra's in it are better than noquarter, it also runs the latest omnibot where noquarter is way behind now.
  22. Well I’m absolutely crap with photoshop so I take my hat off to you all!
  23. Its /rcon config custommaps.cfg
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