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Everything posted by MrMuppet

  1. Miraro3, The server is running now, have you tried to join it this week?
  2. Never seen them either!
  3. http://www.teammuppetdownloads.co.uk/Extras/video/HowNOTToWorkOut.wm
  4. http://www.teammuppetdownloads.co.uk/Extras/video/SpottheScotsman.wm
  5. How to stack tyres http://www.teammuppetdownloads.co.uk/Extras/video/Howtostacktyres.wm
  6. Hi, Cropkiller has allready posted this in the members section. There will be at least 3 people for you match, we use the clanbase cfg's for matches so the maps selected will be the sw_goldrush_te and supply versions; The maplist for ET Stopwatch 3on3 is: adlernest braundorf_b4 et_beach et_ice frostbite supply sw_goldrush_te tc_base The map timelimits are fixed by the official ClanBase Config. Cheers.
  7. This list is nearly complete now, its nearly taken all of my days off to sort. If there is any thing else outstanding them let me know before I am back to work Sunday evening.
  8. These shortcuts are for the etpub server by default.
  9. I'll put some together when I get the time, just uploading 204 maps to the download site and still working on the servers. The space is no problem for me to host, but it needs to be a balance between size and quality when streaming video, people dont like to wait long for the video to start and to stream at that quality would mean it would be stopping to buffer all the time depending on people's connection speed.
  10. Yep as in make more! I used fraps to record 5 mins of ingame video last night at 30fps in full screen mode and it took up 2.5gig of space, but the quality was excellent. We shall have to all get together one night when the server is empty (prob on jaymod in fun mode) and mess around. http://www.teammuppet.info/Images/eRRoLfLyNN%20-%20Hold%20your%20Fire!.mp3 http://www.teammuppet.info/Images/eRRoLfLyNN%20-%20One%20hard%20Day%20in%20the%20Oasis.mp3 A couple of songs for your next video?
  11. Ok mate, one of us will reset them the next time re catch you on the server, I have been editing the cfg for the other server, must have lost your guid some how.
  12. Normal in game shortcuts are; [a] last player who gave you ammo [d] last player who killed you [g] the last 8 characters of your GUID [h] last player who gave you health [k] last player you killed [l] your location (letter,number) [n] your name [r] last player who revived you [p] last player you looked at health remaining [w] name of current weapon [t] ammo for current weapon
  13. Excellent, I have been on all night and forgot to record any of it. More?
  14. Can people try to connect to the etpro and etpub servers to check that they have no issues with either of these servers. The etpro server has no extra content and limited maps for match play. The etpub server as lots of extra's added
  15. NoQuarter server Jay mod server ETpub server ETpro match server Two new servers coming on line; NoQuarter XP save server - - to eventually take over from ETpro match server - - to eventually take over from Both servers are now running but are not completed yet. New 30 slot teamspeak2 server now running at to replace's server's teamspeak.
  16. Yep, thats the sort of stuff we want, I dont think we need another forum if its just to promote the game, we can link to sites such as ours, shitstorms, tibets, UJE's, NSS and more. I'll pinch some stuff (text) from the official site. I'll start and video in game with fraps to got some 30-50 fps stuff, should be good for a late night mess around.
  17. Attension all budding website designers, photoshop editors and general tweakers. I have a website that I would like us ALL to have a part in designing, this is http://www.etgaming.co.uk This is going to be a site about ET and not teammuppet, a sort of a add on promotional site for the game that every one can have an input into how it looks. Write ups, photo's, screen shots, ingame video's (for those who use fraps in game) and any thing else you think should be added. ET wallpapers, screen savers etc, I know we have plenty of photoshop experts here, so start designing and putting some stuff together. Lets try and make this original and no templates and remember its all about the game and not just teammuppet.
  18. Because of my shift work I can only make certain dates anyway, Sunday seems to be the best day of the week for every one.
  19. The server will be ready with just the basic inatallation and maps needed, no extra's. Please check server at least an hour before match. Pssword will be mupppetmatch, this is the same for very match until it needs to be changed. The pb cfg is the certified cfg used in clanbase, this is for proper competitons and cant be altered or we will lose our certified server banner.
  20. Any body played any of these? http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/files/Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory/Maps/Sniper;8963 we have sniper city and sniper lake on the jaymod server at the moment, let me know what you like.
  21. Looking at a few of the hot topics about at the moment, do you think its time we set out a TM members policy? Obviously swearing, spawn killing and the balancing of teams should be included of what we expect from our members, if our members abuse these sort of things then the general public will do.
  22. Hi and welcome to the forums Mr Thunders. Yep your lag issue could be down to server cpu, memory or bandwidth issue at the map start, this is when the server is under the most strain. Has anyone seen this on the other NQ server? These are both using the same baserace version. I'm unsure if any of the other versions have bot support but I'll check this. Cheers.
  23. I'm in, lets track some good maps down and have ago.
  24. Depends if they are verbally abusing some one useing swaer words in a different launguage because they know they dont understand them, Puppet you ونك or 撒尿撒脏。Puppet That is a clear insult to you but you dont know what I have called you.
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