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Everything posted by Frezzh

  1. Nice hardstyle playlist to play ET along,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frezzh


      yeah the most them are all previews, but i like thm shorter, just getting straight to BANG BANGG BANGG

    3. Jaden


      if you would be a real hardstyler u would like the long tracks aswell :D hip-hop heart comes through pah!

    4. Frezzh


      Hahah thats true, i do love hiphop more than hardstyle

  2. Haven't seen u 2 years back Maybe it was a bit longer then, anyway welcome back!
  3. Frezzh


    Welcome and enjoy ur stay
  4. Welcome to the forums and server. Yeah ET isn't a game u quit just easily it eats on u on the inside.
  5. all the other things in my usb ports work. Its a trust something someting i throw away the box of it I geuss i'll need to buy a new one a better one..
  6. Hahahaha loki u made my smile at the moment when i was going to hammer my headset lol i tried both options tonight again still no fix i think i'll give up. it only makes me frustated so...
  7. tried all the ports i have
  8. Hahahah sure i tried. i tried uninstalling my usb ports. ehmm i think i tried reinstalling my drivers aswell still no fix
  9. since a half year i cant use my headphones anymore My pc says it doesn't know the device [uSB port] I'll get an error 40 i tried googeling but didn't find the solution yet or i did something wrong. Does somebody knows how i can fix this problem because i would like to get on TS once again..
  10. Ahh yeah 2 years a muppet!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MOoN


      niice Gratz m8 !

    3. Stumpel


      Wohoooooooooo same here and still sad shooting... And always dead.. :D

    4. T.A.H
  11. Great intro!
  12. Very fun server would love to play an event on this server New years Death Match
  13. Hey marta, welcome to the forums
  14. Girls can heal, best medics ever! (copyright damian)

    1. Damien


      Someone quotes me. :O

  15. Hey Vayra Welcome to the forums. see ya on the server.
  16. Welcome
  17. I'll be there
  18. Yo robin, welome to the forum
  19. Welcome
  20. Welcome to the forum
  21. Frezzh


    Hey Jaxxx welcome to the forum and server Good to see ur likeing our server!
  22. Welcome back
  23. Holiday :D

    1. Damien
    2. T.A.H


      its a holiday in cambodia, its though kid but its life.......

  24. Good to see ur back .
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