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Everything posted by colmusturd

  1. i am a bit confused as to where i create a shortcut quote "So the get the Latched Zone to change, create a short cut, then right click on it, and select properties. Then in the "Target" text box after ET.exe add this command and put quotation marks surrounding the number value settings, as follows: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set com_hunkMegs "192" +set com_zoneMegs "32" +set com_soundMegs "48" also i use 1920x1200 resolutions with r_mode -1 is that correct to use. i have a powerful pc so have no worries about high settings. thx for any help
  2. in your et folders, etmain, pub, jaymod, silent, etc etc there are pk3 files. some of those pk3 files are also named tmp files, they are unfinished files and need to be cleaned out from your folders. they conflict with the proper pk3 files. for example you are downloading a map, lets say as an example adlernest. but during the download and before its finished your et crashes or you get disconnected. that file in your etmain is now adlernest tmp file. then you try again and this time it works. so you now have the correct adlernest pk3 file. the adlernest tmp file will conflict with the adlernest pk3 file. thus causing problems. keeping your folders clean and trimmed will mean less problems.
  3. hi smirre what does this do "Also try running et on 1 core only: run et -> press ctrl + alt + delete -> find et on running processes list and click mouse right button -> select "set affinity" -> uncheck cpu1 box (or vice versa)." and when you say uncheck cpu1 box (or vice versa) is there another option other than cpu1
  4. the ip zink was caught with is not found at pbbans at all. nor is the guid. an ip and guid can only get picked up on by pbbans if the server has pb enabled or is streaming to pbbans. the silent mod has its own cheat protection and has no link to any other anti-cheat sites. as i have said a few times now, the player name zINk is used by 20 or more different players. but only one of them is from holland. i click on that one which takes me to the page with the names/aliases i posted on my first post. the ip you provided is also on that page. the guid that pbbans has for the dutch player zINk is the one i used to check at GGC. which clearly shows the names simon kinsler and ctrl smn knslr and learning. i dont get how your not getting it.
  5. hi glen. i have spent hours on this and have provided all the info to go along with what i have discovered. i havent just said oh yeah that niels/simon guy is zink. i have provided all kinds of evidence/details to back up what i have written on this thread. the player name zINk has an 8 digit guid which i checked through another anti-cheat site GGC, by using their search guid function. the names above are the results found. i have no malice towards zINk/simon/niels whatsoever and had never heard of them before. there is no reason at all for me to point the finger at niels. all ive done is try to help you find out who zINk is or was. the ip bart stated that simon always uses is on the same player zINk link/page at pbbans. he has no catches there. from what i can see the only catch is from the silent mods built in anti-cheat program.
  6. i can view the link bart, maybe you have to be an admin to view it for yourself. i shall reiterate what i have said earlier. there are 20 different players who have used or still use the name zinc. of that 20 only 1 of them is from netherlands, which is where zinc aka niels aka simon aka leader aka c*nt is from. he has no catches at pbbans, only on the silent mod server in which he was caught. that catch is from within the mod itself, and has no link to pbbans. all the names a player has used during his playing days of ET (only servers with pb enabled or pbbans installed will register a name) will come up on one page/link. the name zINk has alot of aliases as seen in my first post on this thread. most of those names relate to niels, simon, leader. i did not know about the link between those names until others on this thread posted. you yourself then posted stating simon only uses the ip 86.80.249. * ..... i then revealed the last digit which was 8. that ip is on the link that revealed zINk, simon, leader, c*nt. the name c*nt is the name niels uses at tzac. andy posted he knew a niels who also used the name leader. then a post was made showing niels clanbase info, which has the name smnknslr with niels alsoon there. the name smnknsir is on the original list of names i put up on my 1st post. in all the years i have been doing this ive never seen so much evidence linking one player. i even checked out some of the other aliases on the zINk page and they all took me to the same zINk page/link theres no more that i can do to show what is so clearly obvious that zINk and niels/simon/leader/c*nt are all the same player.
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/mpi-guid-search-05f4ac81-2.html&showLG=no&showAT=no&safeview=no the ip used on silent i cant find as silent has its own cheat protection and is not linked to pbbans. the ip you said simon always uses is on the link i have provided.
  8. the last digit is 8 again another link to zINk as that ip is on his page at pbbans.
  9. i just did a check on the guid from zINk page at pbbans 05f4ac81 and checked the guid at ggc-stream and these are the names that came back a pretty much open and shut case im afraid ^7S^9i^7mon^0/^7Kins^dl^7er^0 ^7S^9i^7mon^0/^7Kins^dl^7er ^7cTRL^3'^7SimonKinsler ^7cTRL^2'^7Simonkinsler ^7smn^0/^7kns^dl^7r^3.avi ^7cTRL^1-^7SimonKinsler ^7cTRL^3'^7SimonKinsler^3. ^0B^8F^0B^9.^7SimonKInsler ^>>^7Learning^>. ^7cTRL^4-^7sMN^7^4'^7knslr^4.
  10. that player is from france.
  11. it wouldnt matter what guid or ip he used on TM server because TM have no pb or pbbans streaming, so it wouldnt get registered at pbbans unfortunately. for glen. there was about 20 different players that use the name zINk, but only 1 of those players were from netherlands. the names i have put up on post above are all the different names on the dutch player called zINk page at pbbans. the fact his name is nielz and he uses the nick simonkinsler and at trackbase he uses the nick smnknslr and at tzac he uses cu_t its a massive coincidence if its not him. as all 4 of those aliases are on his pbbans page. im not a gambling man but id put every penny on it being the same guy. also the alias name learning is another one on his page. i did some deeper digging and all the aliases used link it back to zINk.
  12. i cant upload screenshots on this thread but here is a list of names he has used. #Buurman. #Emo. #ETtalker. #God. #HardTimes. #Learning. #Learning.CutFingerFTW #Niels' #Niels'Tour. #Nielz, #Nielz. #Noob1373. #nub. #Pizza/LearnFromRatzer #Rastamen. #Spec/2rk. #Teamwork. #Venus. >>>Nielz. >>Fail. >>Failtime. >>Ni3ls. >>Ni3lz. >>Niels. >>Nielz. >>Numb3rs. >>P3nis. >Learning> >Learning. >Learning.MegaMandy> >Niels. >Nielz' >Nielz. '7H .Niels 7Learning>. :] [PRO]:] [PRO]:]BRB [PRO]Niels' [PRO]Niels@Tour. awe23 BFB.SimonKInsler BigNoob C*nt Cookie cTRL'Simonkinsler cTRL'SimonKinsler. cTRL-SimonKinsler cTRL-sMN'knSLr. DesoxyriboNucleicAcid DesoxyriboNucleicAcid. Dutchboi. EmO ETPlaya ETPlayer ETtalker F*CKMEIMFAMOUS followsimon GoD gunboatfanboi H'ggs Herr von Donau higgs' kjeld KoolKidsKrew lear_ning Learning Learning' Learning'Rifle Learning* learning. learningx LOVE MegaMandy. morsink101' Niels Nielz NielzOnFire PaL|v| RELOAd silent silent. Simon/Kinsler Simon/Kinsler. smn#knslr smn/knslr.avi zink ||Niels. ||Nielz.
  13. how do i get on the tf2 server.?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrMuppet


      Options/developer console enabled, open ` same has ET type connect tf2.teammuppet.com

    3. MrMuppet


      Lol, create a free steam account first and download the game!

    4. MOoN
  14. if you can afford it this one looks good. http://www.scan.co.uk/products/thermaltake-tt-esports-level-10-m-gaming-mouse-diamond-black-laser-7-button-8200dpi-usb
  15. i couldnt get in on the server you listed at first mrmuppet, did another fresh install, still couldnt get in the jaymod beginners. but was able to get into the server you listed. then after i came out of the server i tried the beginners server again and was able to get in. and with pb enabled and still using my old etkey. so i am none the wiser as to what was wrong. but thank-you all for your help, much appreciated.
  16. i downloaded and installed the file smirre. but still the same. i was playing there last night, i have no idea why it suddenly is not letting me in. i can get in all other servers except TM no downloads. ive tried connecting a few different ways mini including directly through ET but still nothing. ive tried with pb disabled too. oh well will try again tmorrow.
  17. just done a re-install but still has same problem. has anything been changed or updated on the server since last night?.
  18. tried both suggestions but still wont let me in. disabled punkbuster i dont get the error message but still stuck on awaiting gamestate. downloaded the pb folder from minis link but still no way in. i can get in other servers though, it doesnt make sense.
  19. hi i cant connect to the TM beginners server it just remains at the awaiting gamestate screen. i also tried the TM pub server but same problem. i can connect to other servers though including TM silent. this has only happened today. the error seems to be punkbuster client failed to resolve etguidauth evenbalance.com anyone know what i need to do to solve this error. thank-you.
  20. happy christmas everyone. have a great day or two.
  21. for me, when his mind is on it, the best 1v1 player is toni. the best objective player is charlie.
  22. uje have some nice christmas maps. goldrush christmas, oasis christmas, christmas tank which is a very good map. there is also temple christmas and christmas room.
  23. north pole
  24. thx will give it a go.
  25. @jaden. hi my screen res is 1920x1200 but have been using the et setting of 1600x1200 in game as there is no 1920x1200. would the advice you gave noobhunter to add it to his autoexec also work for me? using 1920x1200
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