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Everything posted by colmusturd

  1. sorry m8, never heard of this problem before. maybe save your et key and uninstall/reinstall may fix it. do you remember where you downloaded ET from.
  2. colmusturd

    Event NIght

    that was fun , hope more turn up at the next one. nice soundpack too.
  3. just delete all your profiles, there will be a few of them. you will know if you have deleted them all because when you start et it will ask you to create profile. as long as you have not deleted your etkey it will not affect that. if you want to go back to the default cfg, just type in console /exec etconfig.cfg if you do that command for etconfig, do it before you create new profile otherwise you will need to create it again, as it sets your name to etplayer.
  4. colmusturd


    your cg_fov is at 130, alot of servers are between 90-120.
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