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Everything posted by Smurfer

  1. Yes, Mountain Lion.... Apple will not play game, and it is not a matter of us playing with them, it is a matter of of them not playing with us. If your Mac doesn't work, then I suggest you take it up with them. After all, you payed for it. I can say it plain out, because I don't work with that stuff. I just play my guitar.
  2. Urban Terror TM server up and running

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrMuppet


      Cheers, will check it out later.

    3. Smurfer


      All required info can be found here:

    4. Jesus


      i tried a couple of times, not bad....lag a lot though. blame mac and my ping lol

  3. Oopsedaisy, howThehellCan I delete all these updates! D'oh! Pls delete all those updates!!

    1. Smurfer


      uuh, Mini Rules!

  4. Ædlet er mennesket, Jorden er rig. Findes her sult og nød, skyldes det svig. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2xndNNnDwM

  5. Ædlet er mennesket, Jorden er rig. Findes her sult og nød, skyldes det svig.

  6. Ædlet er mennesket, Jorden er rig. Findes her sult og nød, skyldes det svig.

  7. use "Fraps"?
  8. Smurfer

    Wolf ET2.60C/D

    Did you recently upgrade to Mountain Lion? Did you apply a c/d patch? or did you reinstall ET? If reinstall, did you uninstall ET first? Did you try to uninstall/reinstall? When does the crash happen? I tried a mac for 2 x 5 mins in my life. Don't expect anything! Saaave me, Jeee....Harald! Edit: I just read that you have Mac 10.8 OS and its name is "Mountain Lion". There's been lots of problems with ET and this upgrade. You're not alone. There's a thread about it here: http://forums.warche...X-Mountain-Lion Probably post 7 is of most value.
  9. Anything not apple....
  10. Chaos on Bull$#!t Mountain

  11. It can be slightly confusing to update to 2.60b. You have to install the 2.60.exe file (click it and go through the install window like any other windows program). Did you do this? - or did you just drag it into the etmain folder? I just checked my 2.55 installation - I have the muppets menu which contains a MOD button, but when I click it, the same thing happens to me - because it's a 2.55 installation.
  12. Did you actually install the 2.60 exe patch? Sorry if it's a stupid question, but it sounds like you're still on 2.55 - 2.55 does not have the "MODS" button in the menu. Or maybe a z_blablabla.pk3 is overwriting it. Try deleting all z_ pk3s in the etmain folder if you are sure you have 2.60 installed?
  13. I will be there. The revolver is so awesome.
  14. Could it have something to do with the widescreen stuff in newer Jaymod?.... Does the same happen if you only use /connect ; exec acez ? ("acez" is your cfg? )
  15. Smurfer

    Event NIght

    It's supa-dupa oldschool from 1988!
  16. Smurfer

    Event NIght

  17. Smurfer

    Event NIght

    I had a great time. I never saw so many players on that server before. There were also players from the other 2 clans that are running etblight servers. We also crashed, when *someone* (me) called a shuffle vote and it passed. I've just had a look in the codes, and it's obviously my own stupid fault. Imagine I had put that on splashdamage.com. I found another error that must be pretty old; medics and filed ops have access to opposite teams smg (mp40/thompson vice versa) as a filler, but if you pick it, then it just defaults to normal team-smg. It's a little funny (and sad?) that nobody told me about that error before. It must have something to do with the getEquivWeapon script. I didn't know you could still see names of invisible teammates, until now. I think I will leave it like that?
  18. Smurfer

    Event NIght

    Thanks to whoever made that pic. the bastardmod.info frontpage never looked cooler. I have a new version online, with mac-files (harald is a hero). It will be the same version that we will be using friday.
  19. Smurfer

    Event NIght

    You can read all about etblight at the etblight home. Will anybody be left out if I add a new version without Mac-support? -If harald doesn't make it back before Friday.
  20. Smurfer

    Missing Files

    It's a very common error. Also for server cfg's. If you are in doubt, open your cfg, press ctrl+F and let the "Find"-function search for duplicates of the line you want to add. If your cfg is in etmain and it is called "autoexec.cfg" then it will get executed every time you open ET (Provided you don't run any extra commands upon startup). It will only auto-execute when the autoexec.cfg is in the etmain folder.
  21. Smurfer

    Missing Files

    was it "autoexec"? please upload or paste contents of the cfg.
  22. I voted saturday the 4th - it reduces my risk of sudden work-related phone calls.
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