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Status Updates posted by Jaden

  1. if someone calls you a pussy, just gotta say "you eat what you are" boooooya

    1. Slarty


      Maybe, but wouldn't you still be a pussy? :P

  2. freakkiiinnnn coffeeeee

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stumpel
    3. StaR


      how about some juice?

    4. Jaden


      r u guys serious? :D theres no better taste than roasted coffeebeans milled freshly for ur own enjoyment

  3. Its 17.33 .... time for beer

  4. yeah finally gets a microwave!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MOoN
    3. Charlie


      Welcome to the world of micro-food!

    4. Jaden


      i appreciate your congratulations :)

      needed to buy one, cause there wasnt one in the kitchen

  5. yeah finally gets a microwave!!!!!!

  6. my soundcloud-profile...if someone wants to check it out: http://soundcloud.com/jaykay-aut

    1. kensta


      v nice , would love to hear some piano / violin rap slow beats man!! so ican record over 1 :D

    2. Jaden


      ok ill try to create one with a catchy melo :) ill upload when finished

  7. BLEEHHHH....i vomit on Frezzh's screen!

  8. BLEEHHHH....i vomit on Frezzh's screen!

  9. preparing for gettin drunk bitcheeeeeess

    1. Slarty


      You getting drunk bitcheeeeeeeess? oookay ;p

  10. Hide n seek event was awesome, bitches!

  11. Hey there ;) i saw theres a "Deutsch" Forum for recruitement. Not ment offensiv but it seems that it is auto-translated, and there are some grammar mistakes in it :P so if u want to i can translate english in german. greetz

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