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Nitmod Admin
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Everything posted by StaR

  1. StaR

    Xmas Event

    Are we doing a secret santa?
  2. StaR

    hoi hoi

    NOOOO Lol is cursed D: It gave me a virus . Oh and nice intro and welcome
  3. StaR is now a college student :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. StaR


      I dont have a dorm charles :/ the college is 20 minutes from my house

    3. Slarty


      20 min? Should have picked one further away hehe

    4. Ren


      nice :D I started the uni this year ^^

  4. StaR

    Etpro Grand Opening

    Watch out for my noob moves , I'll own all of you
  5. I just need some time to heal .

  6. StaR


    Tomoyo isnt even french lol... Well not in my eyes atleast >.>
  7. Welcome to the forums . When you said "you had a big black" ..... I was like o.o . But then I read the rest so yea See ya in server
  8. The scariest map of them all..... Cortex.....
  9. I am known as "The one that won't shut up" because all I do in game is talk . ( I think all can relate to that) But I also play and talk at the same time and that skill is easy to get . So what im trying to say is , thank you for still sticking with us . And in the future , talking and playing is a deadly clever combination See ya on the servers!
  10. I like to call jesus the GoatPornMaster
  11. StaR


    Recommended sites : Pornhub , Youporn , Redtube , Brazzers , goatporn.com . I have "never" visited these sites . My friend told me
  12. Welcome to the forum buddy
  13. My butt isn't tiny , its grotesque !
  14. Finally My domaine..... The panzer king shall make his appearance!
  15. no one on xbox :( (crying)
  16. I play it on the xbox . If anyone else plays it there , hit me up plz
  17. "..........Through victory my chains are broken . The force shall free me."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StaR


      Yes , I found out that the dark side offers cookies . I did not hesitate to switch sides.

    3. MOoN
    4. VeryDead


      + the cookies are delicious !

  18. Waaaaaw awesome intro and organization! This is awesome! I feel like im in one of those MLG cups! Can't wait!!! oh yea @Charlie. yes please , wear a very short short skirt . thanks
  19. I swear to god if I miss this......
  20. Jesus !!! C'mon send the pm!!!
  22. Heyyyyy you stole our name! We are the !noobed
  23. Jesus !! I'm in! Lets laugh the competition away!
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