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Nitmod Admin
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Everything posted by StaR

  1. FINALL ATTTEMPt AT WINNING D: in my college's library, vandalism wins.
  2. Welcome to our forums.
  3. Hallowed be thy name

    1. Slarty


      Fu***ng awesome song when played live, and with me in the arena :D

    2. StaR
    3. Gaunt


      I hate u Slarty D:

  4. Pick meeeeeeeee D:
  5. StaR


    BRUHHH did you kids forget Canadian bacon!!!
  6. StaR


    Bad breh! Down breh!
  7. StaR


    You're not new >=[ You were here 2 years ago when I just joined TM
  8. Lets make him ET Junior Admin. LOL
  9. Guysssssssssss ET ts drunk night tonight

    1. Jaden


      maybe ill join in later :) drinkin day with my flate m8s

    2. Eagle_cz


      good to know it :) also hope you will be on TS ... (need more singers :D:sofa:

  10. I will try and sing on the night. To entertain you kids.
  11. He was using voodoo black magic.
  12. Noooooo why do it on Halloween!! I scare little kids on that day when they come knocking on my door :< Do it 1 weekend before or something.
  13. aaaaannnddddddd now I have 0 chance to win that mug :[
  14. nooooooooooooooooooooo now I will never win
  15. StaR

    ehhh lol

    I made 5 separate accounts with the etkey
  16. Awww man , how could mine compete with beer bottles :s
  17. StaR's Pirate ship please.
  18. sooooo who won???!!!???!??!@##$!!@#???? Please be me D:
  19. Just hand over the mug please
  20. What was your name 2 years ago :0
  21. The only time "succes" come before "work" is in the dictionary.

  22. Do I post it here??? D:
  23. StaR


  24. StaR


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