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Everything posted by Eagle_cz

  1. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  2. I see it up & running ... sorry, can't help you when everything is working
  3. sorry, thats my fault, im still working on xpsave.lua but still dunno, why stats are'nt correctly saved into db ... already rewrited almost whole lua, but still im lost where the problem is. But as i said, im working on it. Sooner or later, if will find the solution...
  4. i was on test server toningt and tried to fix xpsave and didnt noticed any problems .. same on beginners .. so dunno sry mate...
  5. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  6. thanks for your suggestions, but tbh im not sure about waypoints for bots on all of these maps. Will take a look on it and will talk with other admins. It can take a few days, we will keep you posted. Thanks again!
  7. reconsider it again .. i think that event is much more important ... and...
  8. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  9. Please, be patient, we have to discuss options ... This can take a few days in max... ...and thanks for suggestions!
  10. hmm, what about to replace her because of this ?
  11. l9l, it's first time when spammers are welcome lol
  12. Hi man, good to see your intro. Enjoy the fun and your stay here. If you will need whatever, we are here...
  13. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  14. ok, then prepare a banner with TM logo and wishes to Rachel and Craig! ... and then cheers up and share the photo with friends around you with the banner! ...or bannana! ...anyway, u getting that old man ?
  15. ah sorry, i read it wrong. But i have to ask, why you need that ? you already can set that without xp you will got some skills for example in server config. Maybe im dumb, but i really dont know why you want to do extra work, when is server config already giving you that power to change the class behaviour (based on XP and xp can be zero).
  16. well, tbh, i'm not sure what exactly you need but basically, u can use smt like this (sure that there are lot of different scripts already available around the internet) so for example: this can work if you will have: - game mod with shrubbot lvl system complatible - working level system with levels that u want to use and script edited according to your level system was this what u want ?
  17. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  18. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  19. Eagle_cz

    Lua weapons

    sorry man, this will take a some time. I have to create test server first and then i can try to write it. Will have time for this on thursday or friday and then will let u know.
  20. Eagle_cz

    Lua weapons

    well, tbh im not so familiar with silent, but will take a look in to documentation if this possible ... im not sure now lol. btw. which version of LUA u are able to run ? (for example there are differences between LUA 5.1 and 5.2 and so ...)
  21. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  22. Eagle_cz

    Lua scripts

    aha, i got your point. This is more about AI (artificial intelligence) than about LUAs How the LUA will decide that someone is advertising ? By the servername ? Or by IP ? will be IP divided by dots or by spaces ? How the script will decide that it's IP and not a phone number for example ? or there will be some magic words like "server" or 'come to' ? Sorry, but i think that this is really 'big topic' and its more about the logic than about programming. I know that you want to keep this ppl off the server, but think its better to work on settings and make the server better than to ban players because of they want to go somewhere else IMO. But yes, even here we don't allow any advertisment so understand you.
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